Chapter 2

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I woke in the basement aka my room. I sit up and sigh. Why is my life like this? Why can't I live a normal life? I stand up and go to my drawer and het dressed into a comfortable outfit.

Okay so what are the plans for today.I need to do the chores,I have to finish my history home-work, I need to go shopping and then go to work. I pick up my phone and it says it's six am. Thank the Lord!

I rush upstairs and start to make breakfast for my mom and sister whilst I eat an orange. Okay I have eggs and bacon, waffles and pancakes. That should be enough. I start to brew the coffee. Mom wants black no sugar and my sister wants black with milk and three sugars. I put them on their respective trays and I bring them to their rooms. My mom first.

I knock on the door. "What do you want?" Replied an annoyed voice.
"I made you breakfast mother." I said in a respective and robotic voice.
"Finally! Also make my man Steve some as well!" She replied as I walk in
"What would you like sir?"I said the man,Steve,
"I will have some pancakes ." He said as he snogged my mother. I nodded and I went to my sister's room

"I made breakfast" I said as I walked in. "Yeah yeah put ir on my desk I'm busy" I put her breakfast on her wooden desk and I lefr the room to make pancakes.

After I gave him the pancakes, I started to clean the entire hosue. Ugh why do I have to do it? Yhe worst room is probably the living room. I shudder. Who knows what my mother did there.

Once I finished I went to my room amd I did my home-work. It was pretty easy. I want to become a teacher so I have to respect all aspects of school. I especially want to become a (favourite subject) teacher! It would be so fun. Whilst I was re writing it in clean, my mother walked in and said "Tomorrow your cousin is gonna. You better be on your best behaviour. If you mess up they might not give us anymore money!" My mother said and I nodded "Yes mother." I reply and she left.

I looked fown at my phone and smiled. It was a gift from my aunt. The only kindness I get is from their family. They can afford everything. My aunt is a lawyer whilst my uncle is doctor and my cousin doesn't work yet but she has a photographic memory and she wants to be a lawyer like her mom as well as that she wants to write books and songs. She is ambitious yet she is a couple of months younger then me..

How did you guys like it?? I decided it will be a pdh x reader. I will do most characters but one of my ocs and one of the mainish characters. PEACE OUT!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2017 ⏰

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