The start of my life

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Hi, I'm Marie. I worked at this cafe for a couple of years. Since the funeral of my parents death, i started working here to support my grandma who was diagnose with brain cancer. I was 17 years old when i worked here. My grandma couldn't do all the work because she needed rest. I was cleaning the crusty old floor, when suddenly my grandma opened the door with a huge smile on her face holding a letter in her palms.

"Oh darling, i am so glad that you decided to live with me and that you tried to support our family. I kept this letter for a couple of days, just to surprise you. It's a letter from Harvard, the college that you wanted to go."

"Oh my god, for reals?!?"

"Oh dear, don't get to exited." Grandma said, while sighing at the letter.

She started reading the letter not stopping.

"Um...Grandma, aren't you supp-"

She opened her mouth wide open looking straight at me.

"You've been accepted to Harvard. Grandma said while crying tears of joy.

"Omg!!!! I am so exited to start Harvard!

"Oh, darling. I'll miss you so much."

"Wait, Grandma. Who's gonna help you with the cafe? I said, worrying at the same time."

"Don't worry, i have a friend that needed money and her daughter is 16 years old, she would gladly accept the offer. She smiled."

I smiled. I looked down at the ground not finished cleaning the stain from the ice cream that had been thrown on the floor by a young kid from elementary school.

"Oh, darling. Don't worry, i'll finish that."

"Oh, grandma. You need to rest, i can't let you finish this..."

"Don't worry, i know how to clean it faster than you and it won't do much pain. Go celebrate with your best friend Katie."

"Okay, grandma. I said while smiling" 

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