Some pronunciation (at least the vowels)

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This day has come...

I'll teach you the basics of hungarian pronunciations...


We have the vowels first

On top of some of them we have this comas. This longthen the vowels.

For example let's see the word almás
It can mean a lots of things. Almás pite means apple pie, and so on. (Or even that it has apples on them, but the original word is alma so it's not easy)

Soooo... the a in almás is a just like in dark

The l and m is basically the same as they are in everything.

The á sounds like the Ah! or when someone screams lol

And the s is like your sh but I'll explain that later

Soooo basically the comas just make the i, a, e, o and u longer

And then we have on the o and u two points sometimes😅 like ö and ü and then these can have the two coma version which is the longer version of the points

Ö is pronounced like Erm... I think

To ü I don't think I have and example... I know the difference and you could hear, but I can't explain... sorry

I realised how bad teacher would I be

So this was me for today I think...


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