Chapter 2: Visions?¿

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I wake with a startle as I hear my aunt Spenser yelling for me at the bottom of the stairs. I try to calm my crazy gingerish hair and head to the first floor of my house.
"Gosh Wendi are you deaf?" Spenser greets me.
Before I could I reply she simply says the word 'dinner' and walks to the kitchen. I follow in a hungry pursuit. We ate her homemade pizza in silence which is fine because that's how it is most nights in the Sloan house with just the two of us.
My parents were murdered when I was nine. The police never found evidence that it was a murder but I knew that it was. I wasted years trying to uncover that horrible mystery that still haunts me but being 16 I just don't have the energy to find something that probably doesn't exist.

I head up to my room with a chocolate bar and get to my homework. When I finish my homework I turn on my phone to find out I have a miss call from my best friend Chloe.

We chat about little things like our hatred for the teachers at our school not to mention I the homework they give us and other things taht pique each other's interests.
We hang up around half one in the morning and I can't help but not feel tired at all.
More confused and more questions that I don't think anyone I know have the answers to.
I realise that google has been invented and as weirdly as it sounds I look up the description of my visions on google.
Well my laptops version of google really needs to be updated because all I could really find was idiotic witches and occults.
Or maybe there's a lot of stupidity on the internet.
• • •

The next morning I wake up 20 minutes before my alarm and lay in bed wondering if I gone crazy. I hear my alarm and get up to get ready and tell myself I'm not going completely crazy. I realise I'll sadly have to miss the coffee shop this morning so I'm not late for school and head to my car in the garage.
When I get into my 2014 Citroën I go to turn the engine on when all of sudden I can't even move a single muscle.
In the blink of an eye I see myself in a quiet Coffee Express and order my normal cinnamon latte. I can strangely move but it seems no one notices two of me. The cash register says today's date on it and I walk out of the coffee shop I find myself inside my silver car once again.
I blink a couple of times to make sure I'm back in my car. Back into reality and not still in those weird dreams my self-conscious keeps putting myself into.
I decide to drive to the coffee shop like in the vision I saw. It was empty like how I first saw it, I ordered my signature cinnamon latte of course. I walk with a sip wondering what the hell is happening to me but enjoying the coffee all the same.

When I get to school I open my locker and gather my books like any normal day or any normal teenager. I can't help but think I'm not as normal as I thought I was and today definitely isn't a normal day for me.
My best friend And her older sister Chloe and Lucy Sheerfield are walking towards me and I greet them both.
"Hey," they both reply at almost the same time.
I accidentally drop my English textbook as Lucy picks it up and hands it back to me I swiftly touch her for an instant and I'm back into the weird vision world I always pop into.

As I open my eyes it seems I'm in some old and abandoned warehouse.I see an African american a little more older then me who has a black Z with a line through it tattooed inside her wrist. In front of her cocky smile and crossed arms are two men dragging two teenage girls helplessly to her. There is one girl who tried to fight against there grasp and the other one was too weak to even open her eyes.
I can hear the stronger girl whispering ,"Don't touch her please,"
As the two girls come closer the realisation shocks me still. The two girls are my friends. They're Chloe and Lucy.
"Present them," The obvious leader bellows.

The man with Chloe clears his throat.
"Chloe Sheerfield, age 16 , knows the marked. She's supernatural but she knows nothing of it yet."
The same man coughs and elbows the other man holding onto the straining Lucy. He speaks for the man who holds Lucy seeing he's trying to restrain her terrible sobs and pleads.
"She cares for this one, she's supernatural so she might also have a connection to the marked." He explains
"Who is she to you ?" A British voice asks as the woman walks up to Lucy.
She stares intently at her but Lucy stares hard into the ground. The British leader positions her hand directly under Lucy's chin where she's forced to look only up.
"Look at me ." She demands
"If you tell me your name I'll tell you mine ." She wagers.
Lucy stays quiet and in doing so the British woman throws her head down. She travels over to Chloe and holds her head in both hands for a few minutes and gently lets go.
"Thank you Chloe, I'm Z." She introduces.
"You know Lucy is a beautiful name." Z quips.
"Don't hurt her please. I'll do whatever you want just please don't hurt her." Lucy begs.
"Oh Lucy," Z sighs with a few clicks of the tongue.
"Don't touch her !!" Lucy starts to yell with vulnerability I've never seen.
"Please don't touch her. Torture me not her. She couldn't stand it. Just please do whatever to me not her."
"Lucy , I don't think you want that ." Z teases.
"Just don't!" Lucy yells.
"Please just leave her alone !" She ends the plead in another yell.
"Don't say I didn't warn you ." Z replies in a sing song voice.
Suddenly blue sparks crackle above Z's palm and charges it at Lucy. I yell at her to stop and run to stop her but I go through one of the men watching. It terrifies me. I touch Chloe to see if it was true. I couldn't do anything to stop it. I have to watch it happen. I see the sparks damage Lucy's body and the blue spark in her eye almost reminds me of her bright highlights.
At the corner of my eye I see a shadow engulfed in flames and then I get thrusters back into reality.
I blink a few times once again and stare at the two sisters who are in front of me and who are okay.
"Wendi ?" Chloe asks concerned shaking me a little.
"I'm alright , clumsy me dropping my books again." I lie hoping I don't have to explain what I saw.
"But you were frozen almost." Chloe argues.
"Wendi you seemed almost paralysed." Lucy chimes in.
When I see her blue highlights I almost let a tear out.
"I'm okay see don't worry . I'm gonna head to homeroom you should too. " I say and walk away  hoping , praying that what I saw doesn't happen. But there's a little part of my gut telling me that it's real and it just might.

A/N: Omg!! Over 1200 wordssss! Never written anything that long. Well enjoy this chapter and I'll be updating soon ^^

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2017 ⏰

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