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"in between the lines is the only place you'll find what you're missing but you didn't know was there. so when i say goodbye, you must do your best to try and forgive me, this weakness, this weakness."

as terrible as it sounds, some days i wish we never met. i'm sorry i have thoughts like that, awsie. it's just that, when i'm with you i feel complete. and now that we've been apart for so long, i'm falling apart. if we hadn't met i wouldn't know how much i need you. you told me it hurt to watch me turn and walk away. i'm sorry i hurt you. i never planned on hurting you.

"cause i don't know what to say, another day, another excuse to be sent your way. another day, another year."

it's almost been another year. and look at me, still not home. i'll get back to you, i just have to stay strong. two years is nothing, i'm not giving up our whole life together for two bad years. some days i've though about giving up, but then i remember you. i'll never see you again if i give up. if i have watch everyday day pass one by one then fine. i just hope one of those days will be the one i see you again.

"maybe someday you'll be somewhere talking to me as if you knew me saying, "i'll be home for next year, darling. i'll be home for next year."

i don't know how to reach out to you, we talked almost everyday for that first year i left, but now we don't. i don't know why i'm even here anymore. all i care about is seeing you again. i want to hear your voice again.

"and maybe sometime, in a long time, you'll remember what i had said there. i said, "i'll be home for next year, darling. i'll be home for next year."

do you even remember me? it hasn't been too long since we last spoke. have you forgotten already? or am i all you think about, like you are to me? are you mad that i lied? that i told you i'd be home in a year, yet here i am two years later? i'm sorry, awsten. i didn't mean to upset you. i thought i'd be home by now.

"if you think of me i will think of you."

if you do remember me, i'm guessing you're thinking of me too. i guess that not because i'm self centered, but because today's exactly two years since that morning i walked away. all i can think of is you (but to be fair, you're all i think of normally anyways). you're still my world, i hope you know that. i'll be home for next year, awsten.

next year ; gawstenWhere stories live. Discover now