how is he so chill

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she slowly walks up to me and I notice just how big she really once she's a few feet away she quickly becomes human again

Lykaios pov
"Why the fuck did you follow me" I scream

 "I was curious"
"doesn't mean you  should go round following people OK"
 "can I ask you something"
 "fine so what you want to talk about"
"How'd you end up like this"
"you won't tell anyone will you"
 "no not unless you try to kill me which I trust you won't"
"ok well my birth mom was a werewolf dad was a human they broke up but they didn't know she was pregnant and my mom didn't want me so I got dropped on the doorstep of my dad and his new girlfriend when she found out what I was I was 3 at the time she started beating me when my dad died she blamed it on me that's when she started using blades and whips instead of just her fists"

Petes pov
"Does Brendon know about any of this"
 "well I actually don't know"

 "can I tell him about any of this"
 "I'll tell him when I'm ready"
"OK but don't wait too long please"
 "so can I go back to what I was doing please"
"oh yeah, of course, how long will you be"

 "a few hours I'll see you back at the house,"
 "OK" I watch as she walks further into the forest "stop looking at my ass Pete"
"whatever you say, Mr Wentz"

A wolf cry's for a love it can never haveWhere stories live. Discover now