Chp. 16

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Hecate's Pov

I woke up scared. Where was I? Who the hell was I? I couldn't remember anything. Was I in an accident. I needed help.

"Hello?" I called out in the empty room hoping someone would help me. All of a sudden two men walked in.

"Who are you?" I asked them scared. What if they were going to hurt me?

"Calm down Hecate." The one with the brown hair said. Hecate? Was that my name? What an odd name.

"Hecate? My names Hecate?" I said to myself.

"I'm Damon this is Stefan. I realize you can't remember anything but that's ok. We are here to help you." He said. Stefan looked at me sadly and then at the ground.

"Okay.. what happened to me?" I asked him.

"We saved you from this evil man named Klaus. He erased your memories and we found you wondering the streets. Trust us Hecate. We are your friends." Damon explained. Whoever this Klaus character was, he must really dislike me to erase my memories completely. What did I do to this guy?

"I'm confused, why did he erase my memories?" Damon explained that Klaus was this guy who killed people for sport and wanted to hurt his girlfriend Elena. So why not erase my memories.

"There's something else we have to tell you." Damon said. I nodded for him to continue.

"You're a witch." He said. I looked at him like he was crazy.

"A witch? Right and you two are werewolves." I said sarcastically. I wasn't trusting these two. A witch? Seriously. The brown haired one just continued to stare at me witch was kind of creepy.

"Actually we are vampires." Damon said. I looked at him to see if he was joking. But his face stayed completely serious.

"Well fuck. I guess I'm stuck in the nut house. Is this Klaus a vampire to?" I asked him.

"An original vampire, one of the firsts." He said. I nodded and looked at Stefan.

"Did we used to date or something because you keep staring at me." I asked Stefan who looked at me shocked and blushed.

"Uh- um.." He tried making words for but that just didn't happen. So Damon swooped in and saved him.

"In fact, yes, yes you did. Stefan was devastated when he found out you didn't remember him." Damon said. I suddenly felt bad.

"Oh wow I'm so sorry. I don't remember anything." I said. He looked down sadly.

"But hey, Stefan here can help you get back and remember everything and help you get your powers ready so we can kill Klaus and get your memories back." Damon said smiling. I smiled and nodded.

"Yes, because I hate feeling like a helpless puppy." I said and smiled at Stefan. I can see why I was with him. He was quite handsome.

"Well you guys get working. I have errands to run." Damon said and left us alone. I looked to Stefan.

"What was I like?" I asked him. Moving to sit next to him.

"O-oh you were funny, very sarcastic, scary at times. But you were a total badass. You cared deeply for those you loved and would do anything to protect them-" I cut Stefan off and kissed him straight on the lips. Just to see if it would trigger anything.

"What was that for?" He asked.

"I thought maybe it would trigger something since you know, together." I said blushing a bit. I didn't mean to just attack his face.

"Oh, anything?" He asked hopefully. I shook my head no. He sighed.

"I'm sorry, I wish I could remember anything. Maybe I'd find a way to kill Klaus." I said to him. He nodded.

"Well you rest I'll be back later." He said smiling. I nodded and laid down and watched tv.

Over the next couple of days it consisted of Damon filling me in on my previous life and things about Klaus that would hurt him. I met a witch named Bonnie Bennett who taught me some things about my magic. She seemed hesitant at first but not she seems to like me. Stefan came by quite a bit, I had grown fond of him. Maybe we could become a couple again.

This was another time where Stefan came.

"Hey Hecate." Stefan said. I smiled and looked at him.

"Hey Stefan. What's up?" I asked he sat next to me and kissed my temple. Like I said, we had grown close.

"Just wanted to come see my favorite witch, anything happen with your memories?" He asked me.

"No, I'm trying though, I had Bonnie tell me something's we used to do and still nothing." I said frustrated. This whole memory loss thing was bothering me.

"It'll be okay, you have me, Damon, and Bonnie. Plus once Klaus is gone everything will go back to normal." He said putting an arm around me. I smiled at him. But something didn't feel quite right. I felt as if I was missing something or someone. It was like I had a picture to a puzzle put not the right pieces.

Stefan and I talked for a little while longer and watched tv before he had to go. This left me in my room alone again. I was tired of it. Why couldn't I leave? I asked Damon once but he said it was for my safety. That didn't feel right either.

I huffed and got up walking around my room. I looked for something to do. I practiced with some spells and levitated myself. It was pretty cool. I walked in front of the beds when something caught my eye. There was a folded piece of paper slightly sticking out of the bottom. I bent down and grabbed it. I unfolded it and read the note.


Its you, well it's you when you had all your memories. These people your staying with are trying to control you. They'll want you to kill a man named Klaus Mikaelson. DO NOT DO THAT. He is good. He is fucking amazing but that's not the point. Hopefully a witch named Bonnie Bennett *insert gag* will give you your powers back. Yes you are a witch. Pretty badass, I'm off topic. Damon is not your friend if you listen to him he will kill you in the end. Trust yourself or me Hecate.
Ps: kill them.

My mouth parted in shock. What the hell did I just read. Was everything really a lie? Apparently my self with all my memories knew this Klaus. Why would I say he's an amazing person if Damon said he was a monster? I thought about the last couple of days and realized some things just didn't quite add up. My small note was the only thing that really made sense to me since I woke up.

Should I listen to myself. Damon seemed so nice, why would he want to control me? And Stefan? Were we even really together? All of this was very overwhelming. I folded the note back up and put it in my pocket. What was I going to do?

Trust me or trust them?

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