Part 17

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"Ana, wake up," someone says.

I open my eyes and sit up. "What time is it?" I ask, rubbing my eyes.

"It's 8 in the morning," my mom replies.

"I have to get ready for practice!" I exclaim.

"First, I have to speak with you about something. And before you ask, it can't wait."

I rub my eyes again to make sure I'm awake. It sounds like my mom is about to say something important. "Okay, I'm awake."

"I know you're excited to return to gymnastics after your ankle injury," my mom begins, and I recall the events of the last two months:

I was in a cast for two weeks after the injury, and I was required to be on crutches the whole time. Then, I was in a boot for two more weeks. Finally, I've had to wear an ankle brace and do physical therapy ever since I got out of my boot. Two weeks ago I went back to gymnastics to start doing stretching and conditioning while I recovered. Yesterday the doctor finally cleared me to go back to gymnastics, and I can't wait to go to practice today!

"Are you listening to me?" my mom asks, sensing that I had gotten distracted.

"Sorry, yeah, I'm listening," I reply.

"As I was saying, I know you're excited to go back to practice, but pleas take it easy for now, okay?" she asks.

"Of course I will. I'm not going to push myself and get injured again," I reply.

My mom smiles. "That's what I like to hear. Now get ready for your big day!" she exclaims.

"I can't wait!" I reply and hop out of bed. I walk over to my closet and find one of my favorite leotards, a black leotard with white and silver lines on each side. Then, I pull my hair up into a ponytail, tying it with a black hair tie to match my leotard. I put on black shorts and a t-shirt from a meet. Then, I grab my bad and rush downstairs. I quickly eat some cereal and put my lunch in my bag. A few minutes later, I hear someone honk from outside.

"Mom, Sophie's here, I have to go!" I yell.

"Okay, see you later! Love you!" she replies.

"Love you too!" I yell in response as I run outside.

I hop in the car in the backseat next to Sophie, and suddenly everything feels normal again. Sophie hugs me as soon as I sit down.

"It's so good to have you back! I can't wait to practice with you again!" Sophie exclaims. Sophie and I had a huge fight the day before I got injured, but we made up just two days later. We can never stay mad at each other for too long. We both didn't mean what we had said, and getting through that fight has only made us stronger. Since then, Sophie and the rest of the girls competed at sectionals, states, and regionals. Everyone didn't do as well as was expected. Sophie fell on bars, Sharon and Jessica fell on beam, and Sabrina was unable to compete because of an injury. Because everyone did poorly at states, the coaches decided we will all probably repeat level 8 next season, but nothing has been decided yet.

During the drive to practice, Sophie and I talk about all of the new skills we would get to work this summer. Jamie was actually not being a total jerk to us today. She even said she missed me and was glad to carpool with me again.

As soon as we get to practice, Sophie and I jump out of the car and rush into the gym, excitement flowing through us.

Sorry I haven't updated in so long! Thank you so much for 1.6k reads and for all of the nice comments! I'll try to update again soon :)

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