Sweet !

626 26 5

Word Count: 880

The summer is slowly giving way to fall. Minako's summer dance classes are light and easy to teach. She'll be back when the wind changes, but I'm not sure I want to give up teaching her girls. Victor, teaching his own ice skating classes for children, laughs at me as I complain.

"I love Minako— I do— but I don't want her to come back," I mumble into his chest.

"Mm," I feel the reverberations of his hum in his chest. "If you're that passionate about teaching now, you're welcome to visit my classes, Yuura," he chuckles.

"It wouldn't be the same," I whine.

I flop into his lap, flipping onto my back. I look up at him from this position upside down, pouting. Victor fights to maintain a sympathetic look. The glimmer of an amused smile betrays him as he rubs a hand through my hair. His eyes are still laughing at me.

He never wins at this game— trying to remain collected while I tease him— no matter how innocent the discussion seems to be.

"Oh?" Victor lifts an eyebrow. "What would be different?"

"I've been teaching these same girls for several weeks now, and I've honestly become attached. They're all so different but they're all so good in their own ways. There's so much potential— I just like watching them grow."

"Mm. Fair enough, I suppose," he bequeaths.

I nod and cuddle closer into his chest.

"You're adorable, Yuuri-kun," Victor looks down at me, fondly caressing my cheek. "I watched you grow, you know," he adds softly.

I blush deeply, taken by surprise.

"What? As an ice skater?" I whisper.

"Yes," he answers, low and cool, "but not just that." He leans down to press a sweet kiss to my lips. "I watched you find yourself and grow as a person and a lover," he whispers in my ear.

"You say that as if you just idly observed," I mumble around his lips as another kiss comes. "The only reason I grew at all was because of your love, Vitya," and that does it.

Victor is suddenly on top of me, and we are no longer snuggling sweetly on the couch. He kisses me again, his tongue emulating the way we dance on the ice. Sharp, gliding twists and loops command my tongue to follow his lead, each meeting of our lips acting as the rhythm of the dance. I'm captivated and enthralled.

"I love you," Victor groans between kisses.

"Oh— Vi-ctor— I love you so much," I manage, pleasure rising as his hips begin to circle suggestively.

"Can I take you to bed?" Victor whispers in my ear, his lusty voice lifting goose flesh all the way down to my fingertips.

"P-please do," I breathlessly agree.

Picking me up so that our chests are still pressed together and my legs wrap comfortably around his waist, I tighten my grip around Victor's shoulders— feeling like the little kid that first fell in love with Victor. For a few seconds, I'm fairly certain this is the most comforting position in which I could possibly find myself. Makkachin noisily comes running, however, as soon as Victor takes one step away from the couch. The brown poodle barks dutifully, ever in my best interest whenever Victor holds me captive.

"Easy, boy, I'm safe," I laugh.

Makkachin sits, looking up inquisitively, as if to ask really? Effectively nailing a hole in our moment of passion, Victor lets me down to reward Makkachin for checking up on me. Eager to get the ball rolling again, I hardly get the treat out of the jar and into Makkachin's jaw before Victor is impatiently scooping me out of the kitchen.

Halfway to the bedroom, I begin pushing several sloppy kisses up Victor's cheek toward his ear. He moans shamelessly when I reach the tender skin of his earlobe. Makkachin, at Victor's heels, whines too with Victor's husky vocalizations.

"I need you," he mumbles around the soft skin of my neck.

After an affectionate pat to Makkachin's head, Victor closes the door and drops me into an ocean of scattered blue blankets and puce pillows. Victor overtakes me like a tidal wave, hungrily helping me out of my clothes. The clothes come away so fast, at the mercy of his oceanic push and pull, I am in no way prepared for his lips to touch my skin again.

My back arches and my legs widen desperately as Victor suddenly takes every inch of my erect want past his warm, wet lips. He only holds me for a moment, as if only to steal my breath, before kissing all the way up to my neck, pace tortuously ebbing into something methodical and slow. God, he's teasing me. I suddenly need him more than I thought possible tonight.

"Victor— fuck!" I gasp.

"You want me to?" Victor breathes in my ear.

"Please, Vitya," I beg breathlessly. "I need you."

"Mm, whatever you want, Yuura," he murmurs, voice thick and sweet as honey.

"Mm-mm..." I bite my lip.

sorry for the crappy stopping place but 900 words is already a lot for these chapters and these lovey lovers are not nearly through loving so the next chapter will be a continuation

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