Looking For My Dorm

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So I went and asked "hey mike (which was the guy who was in the first chapter if you were curious) what room do you have???" "Room 766 the last one and there's only me right now in there" he said "oh great! Then we might go together!" I said before he said "I hope so! Haha!" And then I went downstairs to the lobby thingy and went to the office where you get your room numbers and she gave me number 766 I was so excited! And I said normally "thanks, hope to see you sometime soon!" Then when I got up there I unlocked the room and went to take a shower. But I didn't even notice he was in here! So when I went to strip off my clothes and get in the shower (btw
its not a clear shower its grey) so then a few minutes later I get out of the shower and the towels are gone " ugh... MIKE GET IN HERE NOW!" I yelled and he yelled back "NO YOU COME OUT HERE!" So then I went out to the room and the towels were next to him on his bed and I was trying to cover my boobs but I was holding a big case of make-up so I went over to grab the towels but he pulled me into his bed and I squealed as he stripped his clothes and got a condom then started to nibble on my ear and then put on the condom and put me flat on the bed then started to hump me as I moaned and pulled him closer as he kissed my neck and then started to grope me and I moaned more and more as he kissed me and blocked my moaning so I  started to kiss him back a few seconds later we pulled our lips away and  I started moaning again so did he then he took the condom off  soon after and i  said "I'm tired now  babe" then he replied "so am I baby" then he got off of me and put his clothes back on after I did. He then went down to get us some food about 2 minutes later he came back up and gave me some pizza and he had some spaghetti so then I went over and pushed him on the ground when we were done eating and I kissed him and after that I said sexually "I love you baby" and then he said " I love you too but wanna go get drunk?" And then I replied "yeah sure" (don't worry we were 21) then he said "okay let's go!" And so we went to the bar and got some whiskey and beer after a few hours of being there I said "babe let's get an taxi" then he joked "yeah we don't wanna drive when were drunk haha!" And I replied "haha yeah we don't wanna get in a wreck!" So then I ordered a taxi and a few minutes later the taxi arrived to the bar and mike said "ladies first" and I smiled at him then walked in the taxi and sat down in the beautiful polished leather seats and said "now you can get in" then he replied "okay haha" as the taxi drove us to the university collage we went to the top floor and went to the only room which was room 766 we went inside and I took another shower to not smell like whiskey anymore haha, and after I showered he got in the shower.         TO BE CONTINUED...

Love At First Sight book 1Where stories live. Discover now