Baseball Game!

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It was Friday and I was getting dressed for Noah baseball game. I just got out the shower. I was in a bra and underwear with my hair in a towel. I brushed my teeth , toke my hair out the towel blowed dried it, and brushed it out. I plugged in my curler. I walk to my closet and pulled out a pair of black shorts , blue undershirt, and a cream color sweater. I walk out an put my black toms on. I went back in the bathroom and did my makeup and curled my hair with two braids making a crown around my head. I ran out the room and grabbed my phone and ran down stairs.

"Why so fast?" Tom

"Papa I have Noah baseball game remember!"

"Oh have funny you look beautiful" Tom

"Thanks papa"

I grabbed my car keys and ran to the car and jump in and start to drive.

Noah Provo:

"Dude she will be here. stop freaking out!" Kaleb


"She not your girlfriend!" Eden

"Shut up" Kaleb

"Guys she my girl best friend"

"What ever you say Noah" Kaleb

I walk out on the felid and start to warm up.I hope she comes. I mean she say she would. i do like her I have to say she just so beautiful.

"Hi babe" Lacey


"What's the matter?" Lacey she said hugging me


"Ok babe good luck I'm going to go sit with the girls love you"


She kissed me and walked off.

Now i have to go play. Oh I have plan to do with Lilli Grace. I forgot to tell dad man.

Lilli grace Provo

I walk in the park to see the game had already 'damn'! I walk over to the bleachers and sat down on the second set. I start to watch the game. to let you know I don't know how this game works ( I do in really life).

"Look who it is" Tata

"Oh it's the little slut" Lacey

"Why she come her" Tata

"I know she better stay away from my boyfriend" Lacey

Don't let them get to you Lilli Grace.

"Aren't you going to say something bitch" Tata

I think Noah saw me while he was pitching because he smiled and wink. I felt my checks tent up.


The game was over and they won by 10. I walk over where the guys where standing talking. Noah saw me because next thing I new is that he had picked me up in a big hug.

"I didn't think you would show" Noah

"I told you I would bud"

"We won" Noah

"I see that but I don't get the game"

He put me down.

"What" Noah

"I never heard of baseball till you said something about it"

"Oh well I explain later" Noah


"What are you doing with my boyfriend?" Lacey

"Lacey she just..."Noah

"Stay out of it Noah" Lacey

"You know what you can go suck his dick for all I care your such a low life of steam! I can't handle you American girls you just can't stop being bitches and I'm not the slut here!"

(She just told Lacey off! I don't mean to be mean to American girls bc I am American)

"How dare..." Lacey


I walked over to Kaleb and grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him to me and are lips crashed onto each other. I pulled away and walk to my car not forgetting to flip Lacey off.

I got to my car and before I could close the door Kaleb came up to me.

"Uh Lilli Grace?" Kaleb

"Yea Kaleb?"

"Uh what was the kiss for" Kaleb

"Lacey has been calling me a bitch and a slut and I'm just tired of it! sorry"

"Oh" Kaleb

With that I shut my door and drove off.

Didn't see that coming! Did you think she was going to kiss Kaleb? Do you think she was try to make Noah jealous or Lacey? She told Lacey off!


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