chapter four

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The morning weather was mild with the sun rays having just began to peek through the blue and white clouds. It was the perfect setting for Rose's rendezvous of the day. Even though she hadn't found an ounce of sleep the previous night, she still managed to resemble those whiny girls that treasured their beauty sleep. But that was because sleeplessness was part and parcel of her life thus, she'd adapted to it so she wasn't staggering around like a zombie, 'insomnia' emblazoned on her forehead. Admitting that she stayed awake for most of part the night avoiding dreams about a certain married man was rather demeaning. Rose had had enough of being put down and that fuelled her anger for the man invading her dreams and the bunch of animals that were his family. She was about to wreck their lives just like they'd done her poor baby's.

"Are you ready princess?" Archibald asked squeezing her hand. They sat in the limo outside 'Legacy Distillers' with a little surprise package for the owners.

She smiled and kissed her father's palm. "I'm ever ready daddy."

They slipped out as the chauffeur opened the door and headed inside the building. Leon and Warren had preceded them to arrange for a board meeting.

"Madam Mayor?" A petite officially dressed lady confirmed with a clipboard in hand. Rose gave a curt nod. Her smile was exaggerated as she directed them. "This way madam, sir."

The elevator stopped and opened on the thirteenth floor where they alighted and followed Linda, as her nametag read, into the hallway and finally to double doors labeled boardroom in italics. Linda ushered them in before closing the doors behind her.

"What is this Rose!" Daniel boomed as soon as they walked in.

Rose waited until Archibald settled in his sit before she beamed enthusiastically, a wide conspiratorial grin on her lips. "Good morning too Daniel, I'm absolutely fabulous!"

"Maybe you want to get on with it because we are a busy company." It was Debra's expected impatient snarl.

Rose's features contorted in feigned puzzlement before brightening knowingly. "Ah! The chatterbox," she pouted worriedly. "How's your cheek doing? please forgive me I tend to discipline little snobbish brats."


"Whatever brought you here Rose?" Rebecca asked impassively, her shapely brow quirked. "Do we need to remind you how precious time is?"

The woman had always been able to maintain her composure and Rose knew it. She was manipulative and used her weak exterior to barricade the true colour that was her monstrous demeanour. Rose was only too happy to play along. Behind that sophistication was a drunkard that didn't care for anyone but herself and Rose excelled at poking into an enemy's weakness.

She sighed with resignation. "Rebecca was it?" She added matter-of-factly. "I don't take advice from drunks, Mr Gregory will you please disseminate the handouts." By the look on Rebecca's face, Rose knew the low blow had earned her a whole point.

After Warren distributed the handouts promptly, everyone briefly perused through as he went ahead to explain what they were.

"We know what portfolios are and what they contain Mr, what you're missing is why you're in possession of our company's shares and what makes you think you have rights to them." Morgan stated coldly, his gaze on Rose.

"Those aren't your shares Mr Sylvester, they are or rather used to be your partners' shares. All four of them." She swiveled her chair not slightly bothered by the gravity of the matter. "Your former partners sold to us so legally, forty nine percent of Legacy is ours."

"My father would never sell his shares, most certainly not to you." Rebecca reputed.

Rose laughed cynically. "Dad?"

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