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it took about an hour or so to really get out of the herd. once we did, we were walking to wherever we were meeting up. it was some history site. jane knew the way, so we followed.

"can we take a break?" rebecca asked, slowing down, her hands going to her stomach. jane turned around, her hand resting on her hips.

"no, the herd could be trailing us for all we know." she said, turning back around and walking again.

"jane, the herd is no where near us." i said to, standing next to rebecca. she stopped fully now, and looked annoyed.

"it could be, we need to keep moving. we need to find the others, we can rest then." she said.

"jane, she's walking for two here, let her catch her breath." i said to, getting pissed off on how she won't let us breath for a second.

"we don't have time." she said, making me roll my eyes.

"i hope the others made it...maybe we should have been more patient." rebecca said changing the subject.

"what do you mean?" i asked, looking at her. she shrugged.

"i mean i hope the others made it out...luke, kenny, sarah. gosh i think we should have waited."

"it worked the plan. and if they aren't there, nothing we can do." jane said, making rebecca upset.

"don't say things like that!"

"sorry. just being realistic."

"well-uhhhh." rebecca said, stopping completely.

"what? what is it?" i asked.

"i need to stop. can i have a minute?" rebecca asked and the three of us nodded.

"yeah. take it easy." clementine said. the two girls glanced at me.

"do you know?" jane asked looking at me and clem.

"a bit. i was premed before everything, but i didn't get that far." i said to her.

"what are you going to do with it?" jane asked immediately, making rebecca snap.

"excuse me?"

"sorry...just making conversation. it was nothing." jane said, getting worried.

"no! what did you mean?" rebecca snapped at her.

"i'm looking at the worst case scenario. you, clem, and charlie can't raise a baby. not in this world!"

"listen, the baby is coming either way. the only thing we can do is be prepared." i said, trying to break off the small argument rising.

"it's going to be helpless. you guys can't protect it." jane said still pushing rebecca.

"and your saying i won't be able too? just because your some angry loner who doesn't care about anyone but herself doesn't mean you know better than me." rebecca said.

"hey! i've seen it before...back when it started, my sister and i-"

"what," rebecca said cutting her off, "she died? i don't need your pity!"

"you don't- you don't even have the right." jane said walking away. rebecca gave a loud sigh, knowing she had hit a nerve.

the walking dead (season 2) luke ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now