The Roaring Falls (1920s AU)

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This is probably one of my favorites, but it's very complicated, so buckle up. Here's the definition by Tybay on DeviantArt (the original creator of this AU).

"Like in the show, Dipper and Mabel are spending the summer in Gravity Falls (summer = until their dirt poor parents find jobs that put food on the table more than twice a week). The Shack is a speakeasy disguised as an antiquities shop. It's small and cheap enough to avoid major problems with the competition, but it leaves some good money nonetheless. And of course, Dipper finds a journal. Instead of being about cryptozoology and random magic, the books contain a lot of information about a religion I made up (based on voodoo, umbanda and lovecraftnian lore) as well as instructions about spells and rituals, passages in a foreign language and some philosophy here and there.

Gravity Falls has a rich history of black magic and paganism, the highest point being the bizarre death of a mobster (I'm probably using the old af mayor for this role) and the persecution of the multiple cults that grew under his protection.

Surprisingly, for being such an important event there's little to no information about it. After 30 years have passed, the citizens treat it as if it was an urban legend. They say the man was cursed and he was turning into an undead monster, rotting alive. The only one who firmly believes it all was true is McGucket.

Dipper started investigating out of boredom and he got too obsessed with the case. He found out Preston and Bud had something to do with the dead man: Preston being the Al Capone of Gravity Falls denies all connection; Gleeful, a voodoo priest and a charlatan, exploits the story to get more customers. Behind the curtains, he insists it's all just a myth born of decades of overblown gossip and speculation.
Gideon, however, shows behaviors that contradict his father's words. He has one of the journals in his power and he also got a lot of notes and drafts from the same author. Trying to get more information out of him, Dipper interrupts a ritual and things go stupidly wrong when he gets possessed by the demon Gideon was working with.

The symptoms of the possession resemble dissociative identity disorder a lot. Bill doesn't seem to do anything demonic or theatrical aside of being generally creepy. There's no epic transformation scene; Dipper's personality switch can be very gradual or immediate, in any circumstance and without any triggers.
Bill does rummage through stuff a lot and he insists all the time in helping Stan run the speakeasy (he only wants to cause a shooting or go hijacking because it's fun!). He likes to explore the basement, and he knows the house too well.
As time progresses, Bill becomes the main personality. The possession was exacerbated due to Stan forcing the kid to see psychiatrists and undergoing medical treatment including deep sleep therapy.
Stan only turns to Ford when nothing else works. He has zero faith in witch doctor medicine, but he believes Ford's presence could work as a placebo.

It's clear that Ford was linked to Bill and the dead mobster to some extent, however he doesn't say a thing about it."

To me, there are two big things about this that you need to know: it takes place in the 1920s and every time Dipper loses handle on his emotions (when he gets too sad or angry) he can easily get possessed by Bill. Here are some pictures-all done by Tybay on DeviantArt.

Stanley and Stanford(through the years):

Stanley and Stanford(through the years):

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