Chapter 3 - The Ruins

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[Chrisk's perspective]

The voices were freaking out as the flower crawled up my arm. "We are just going to have SO much fun you and me!" It said with a spine chilling giggle, both of the voices told me not to trust him, but I didn't trust the voices. "S-So... w-what are w-we going t-to do...?" I hesitated. "First, we have to gain LOVE" The flower said "L-Love...?" I have no idea what the flower was talking about, The voices for freaking out, but then one of them just started to laugh. "..." she said in her sad, depressed voice... "oh my god... HA! Let's do this! Let's see if she'll get further than you, F---k!" The voice said, giggling. "C---a! We shouldn't go down this path!" The other voice said in it's gentle tone "This is a horrible idea!!!" I decided to ignore them, I asked the flower "How do we gain love?" The flower just giggled "I'll show you"
it said as it's a vines wrapped around my legs "Wha- What are you doing?!" The flower giggled, and somehow I was walking forward "What?!?" we walk towards a leaf pile, I saw a large pointy stick. "Pick it up." The flower said, I lean down and picked it up. "What do I do with a stick?" The flower giggled and made me walk forward again. We encountered a fight with some sort of frog monster. "Kill it." The flower said, smiling at me. "Wha- NO" I said, the flower frowned "I was hoping I wouldn't have to do this..." The vines around my arm tightened, and before I knew it I slash the frog monster so hard that it turned to dust. *Battle won! *Your LV increased
I killed it
The flower laughed, I stared at the pile of dust in disbelief. "I- I-" I stuttered, but the flower interrupted me "Killed it? Yep, yes you did!" it said in a cheery voice "But- But- I didn't want to kill it...!" I said almost crying "Hey partner, don't cry... I have your back!" The flower said, smiling at me "It's ok! The first time is always the hardest!" I looked at the ground, but then I started moving again. What all the sudden, my phone rang "Oh? Well, are you going to answer it?" The flower said, I picked up the phone and answered it "H-hello?" I said to the phone, a familiar voice came from the other side, it was that goat lady "Child, you have not left the room yet, have you?" The goat lady asked "Ummm... n-no...?" I lied "Good, because there are loads of puzzles ahead that I have yet to explain, so stay put until I come to get you" she said as she hanged up. I looked at the flower, and then I looked ahead "let's go..." I said nervously "Now that's the spirit! Let's go gain some more LOVE" The flower said cheerfully "yeah... "love"..." I walked forward, stumbling upon another frog monster "Ribbit Ribbit" it croaked, I close my eyes and took the stick and swung at it. I opened my eyes in a pile of dust was in front of me. "Wow! I'm impressed, I didn't even have to force you!" The flower said, he looked shocked. I took a deep breath in and kept walking forward. I stumbled upon a puzzle, it looks nothing like the ones before "What? How do I do this one?!" I stepped on a tile and immediately I fell through the floor falling on a pile of leaves. "Owww..." I looked around and saw that there was a sign down here, I couldn't read what it said so the flower read it for me. "Please do not step on the leaves, thank you... look around, the answer is down here look at the floor is the same up there..." I looked around and saw that there was a pacific curvy path between the leaves. "Oh..." I went back up and decided to see if I was correct, and luckily I was "Thank God, let's continue..." I found some sort of ledge, and I found a toy knife. It was made of plastic so I didn't pick it up, my stick would do more damage. We continue down the path until we found three rocks, I moved two of them but then this one rock spoke to me. "Hey! What do you think you're doing?!" I didn't care about the rock, so I pushed it and ignored him. "HEY?!" I safely made it to the other side of the bridge without getting impaled by spikes, I looked at the rock with my blank expression. I turned around and continued walking. "Wow, you really are a great partner!" The flower said "oh... thanks, I guess..." I said as we continued, I entered another fight but this time it was different... but nobody came...

[Flowey's perspective]

This kid is great! I barely even need to force them, they're killing everything on their own! I can't wait to give that Smiley Trashbag a piece of my mind!!! We continue to walk forward solving all the ridiculous puzzles, I don't know why they're even here they don't do any good. When finally we caught up with Toriel

[Chrisk's perspective]

We have finally caught up with that goat lady, I stand there and she checks her phone and realizes that the ringing is coming from in front of her. "Oh!? My child, what are you doing here? No Mather, I just realized I forgot to ask you something! Which do you prefer? Butterscotch, or Cinnamon?" The goat lady says "Ummm... butterscotch, wait, no cinnamon, I don't really care... I like them both..." I said, it was really hard to make up my mind. "I like snails..." The flower mumbled "That's good to hear my child, then you won't mind my surprise! Come, let me show you." She said as she showed me the way towards her house, in front of her house was another one of those star things. *You still do not know where you are, knowing that information feels you with... Discomfort...
I follow that goat lady, she leads me down a hallway in front of a door "Surprise! This is your very own room!" She says hoping I would be surprised, I pretend to be surprised just so she doesn't suspect anything "oh really? For me? You shouldn't have...!" I pretend to be all happy, The flower growls. The goat lady smiles "Wait, do you smell that? Is something burning?! Ummm... make yourself at home!" She says that she rushes off "My very own room..." I say as I walk through the door, I look around but nothing seems to be special. "Pretty boring, isn't it..." The flower sighs "yeah..." I crawl into the bed, the second my head hits the pillow I'm asleep.
I wake up to the smell of pie, I look beside me and there was a slice of pie. "Oh..." I picked it up. "Thank goodness you're awake, now we can get out of here..." The flower says angrily. We walked down the hallway, and I go towards the stairs that seem to lead down into a purple hallway. The goat lady comes rushing down and pulls me back upstairs "You really shouldn't be down here my child..." this went on for a few minutes when I finally managed to make her snap. "Excuse me my child, I must go do something..." she said as she closed her book and ran down the stairs. I ran after her. She told me something about six other humans coming down here as well, I didn't care a single bit. With her back turned to me she said one last thing before I was dragged into another fight. "Do you really wish to leave that badly...? HaHa... you are just like the others..." and just like that, I was fighting her.

And I will kill her... =)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2017 ⏰

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