Chapter 1

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How long had it been? Merlin didn't know. Too long for him to remember. Too long for Merlin to forget.

For Arthur however, it was just like he'd woken up after falling asleep in Merlin's arms.
He was confused. The sky looked wobbly. And watery. All he could really see was a bright glow emitting from his sword, a bright burning light.

He yelped at the pain, soon realizing he wasn't taking in any air, only water.
Panicking, he frantically waved his limbs about in an attempt to reach the surface, when a pair of pale arms dragged him above the salty water.

Change of pov
Sighing deeply, Merlin threw another pebble into the lake.
Watching it violently hit the water, then delicately dribble down, he noticed a familiar
glow from deep within the lake.

Curiosity getting the better of him, he crawled towards the ominous ripples in the lake.
It seemed so strange, yet so familiar, like an old friend.
His fingers touched the icy water, creating more ripples.
He smiled at the soothing feeling of the cooling water that seemed to be moving more ferociously at an alarming pace.

Leaning in ever closer, he failed to notice the tip of his nose poking into the lake.
He suddenly collapsed into the cold water, sending a shock throughout his body.

He was about to attempt to jump out again, when he noticed a figure, a figure in shimmering clothes that looked like armour, flailing about in distress.
Completely forgetting which river he had entered, he swam towards the stranger, assuming they must of fallen in without him noticing.

Grabbing their arm, Merlin noticed that this stranger was very muscular, and seemed to have the build of a young man.
Finally running out of breath, Merlin swam for his, and the new man's, life, up
Towards the surface.

Amongst the coughing and spluttering, the stranger lifted his head, his soggy blonde locks and distressed blue eyes revealed to a mortified Merlin.

Both men at a loss for words, both simply staring, taking in the over's features and condition.

Silence filled the air until finally

Author's Note
Hellooo. So I finally decided to make a Merlin one. Sorry to leave on a cliffhanger, but it is very late and poor author needs their sleeep.

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