↠ part 3: no, yes, no?

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Archie Andrews. When I think of a person who lights up my entire world I think of that ginger devil. His beautiful, soft hair and his cute smile that makes me fall in love with that boy even more... FOCUS BETTY! NO MORE DREAMING! But.... He's so beautiful....

"Betty!", A raven-haired girl shouted my name.
"Ha? What? I'm fine, totally fine and alive and I'm not dreaming about ......", I was about to say his name but I noticed him sitting across me so I started looking around and saw Reggie, "I was thinking about...Reggie!", I said and looked down.
"Reggie?", Archie said as he looked at me.
"Yeah, Reggie....", I fake smiled.
"Oh....", Archie clenched his jaw and looked down. I noticed Kevin looking at him and he gave me a wink. Our little Scooby Gang was eating quietly until the bell rang.

So, I don't even remember how did I agree to this, but I was at the cheerleading tryouts and me and Veronica got in the cheerleading team! I should pay attention more, right? Anyways...

Me and Veronica were passing next to the field and we saw Archie. Archie ran to us, BOY HE WAS SO HOT!
"Nice outfit!", Archie said as he was checking me out. I bit my lip and smiled.
"So um... the dance...", I was starting to sweat, "I was wondering if you would like to go with... the both of us?!", I gave a look to Veronica then I looked back to Archie.

Archie's P.O.V

My crush just asked me if I want to go with her AND HER BEST FRIEND. Great!
"I was thinking you....", I was about to say that I was thinking that only two of us would go together, alone.
"Come on Archiekins, you're gettig two River Vixens!", Veronica smiled.
"Okay, sure", I fake smiled.
"Great, meet you over there", Veronica said. I ran back to the jocks. This night is gonna be fun!

It was dance time. I came in front of the school and saw two girls waiting for me. That one girl that I love and a girl who I kind of like but not as much as I like the girl next door.

I went to them and we entered the gym together. The place was crowded with people, music was really loud and there was bunch of tables with drinks. Everyone was dancing, enjoying and partying. The raven-haired girl went to dance with Kevin and me and Betty went to the dance floor.
"Can I have the honor and...", A blonde girl cut me off.
"Don't try to be a gentleman, let's dance Arch!", Betty said. I smiled and I took my hand out. Betty took my hand and we started dancing. My hands were aroud her waist and her hands were around my neck. We were so close but so far apart. I wanted to be closer to her.
"So Betts... Now that you're a River Vixen, and I'm a Riverdale Bulldog.....", I was getting really nervous, "I wad wondering if...we had a chance together, I mean... you know...", I was getting so nervous. I started sweating and I felt like I shouldn't have said that.

Betty's P.O.V

I was dancing with the boy of my dreams, when all of a sudden his words made me shocked. I knew that he was thinking if we had a chance together. WELL DUUUH!
But... there was a feeling in me. A feeling that it's not the right thing to do.
"Archie.... I don't really think I can....", I moved my hands from his neck and took a step back, "Talk about this.... right now. I'm sorry!", I said and ran to the girls' bathroom. Tears were forming in my eyes, What was I thinking?
"You wont make it!", I heard a familiar voice talking. It was that one voice that annoyed me, bothered me and that one voice that destroys me every time. The voice trapped inside me, inside my head. The reason I was so insecure.
"You'll never be with tim!", the voice continued.
"JUST SHUT THE HELL UP!", I yelled. I heard the bathroom door opening.
"B? B! Are you okay?", Veronica said as she ran to me and took my hands.
"I'm totally fine", I said as I wiped my tear away.
"Archie told me....", Veronica said, "What was you thinking Betty?", Veronica asked.
"I DON'T KNOW VERONICA, I DON'T KNOW, OKAY?", I yelled and took a few steps back, "I just....", I tried to say something, but I didn't even know what. What was I about to say? Nothing? I don't know. I just ran out of the bathroom and ran outside of the gym. The only thing I heard was the music from the gym and the sound of my heels hitting the ground as I was running. I ran down the stairs and it was raining, but I didn't care. I just wanted to get out of there! I was running and the water was splashing while I was running. I ran to the park and I was really tired so I decided to stop over there. I suddenly fell on my knees, emotions were splashing in me. Saddness, love, madness ... everything was there.
"What did you do Betty?", I was yelling to myself as a tear fell down my cheek. I looked down but I heard footsteps coming closer because of the rain. A figure was standing infront of me.
"I was wondering the same thing", the figure said. I slowly got up and looked infront of myself.
"Archie....", The last person I wanted to see was standing in front of me. But I knew I had to talk with him, but I didn't know how.
"Look, if you don't like me and if you don't want to talk about it....", Archie's voice was broken. I knew it was my fault.
I had to cut him off, "Actually... I want to talk about it because it's the right thing to do", I said as I looked aside. I wasn't ready to talk yet, but I couldn't keep a boy waiting. I looked back to him but I wad trying to avoid eye contact.
"So, Archie.... Look... I don't know what happend over there or what I said or what was going thorugh my head in that moment....", I was trying to talk. My voice was so broken. I was broken.
"But I think it's the best for you to stay away from me and just move....", I wasn't able to finish the sentence because I felt someone's lips on mine. Someones soft, warm lips. His hand was on my cheek and the kiss lasted 5 seconds.

"I'll wait for you.", he said.

A/N: sooo hey guys, long time no see! Sorry i haven't updated in a week/two or maybe more, i don't have an excuse tho....anyways i hope you liked this chapter, it's the longest chapter i wrote in this story (it has around 1,500 words) but i was writing it for a few hours so it's not really perfect, forgive me. hope i haven't left y'all on a cliffhanger, i didn't, right? this is gonna be interesting...
i'm not gonna spoil anything, no way!
please leave a vote and comment your opinion (this is a must) and give me some of your ideas if you want! i hope i'll update the next chapter soon, if i get 7 votes in the next 24 hours i'll update tomorrow but if not i'll update sometimes this week or maybe next week! but thanks for that much of reads, you don't even know how thankful i am, love y'all!

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