Chapter 1 Going home

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Freya's POV
It was a normal day I was in my dorm with the Winx, it had been normal like any  other day. But I never expected this to happen. Who knew that it would only take 6 hours to lose my friends.

The day was pretty normal at first, we went down stairs and ate breakfast and then we all went shopping. The only thing different was the tension in the air, the Trix have been after us for a while now but recently it has gotten even worse. We think they are after something but we don't know what so the only thing we could do was be on our guard.  After our shopping trip we decided to have lunch in the woods because who doesn't love a peaceful picnic? Well i was wrong about it being peaceful actually it was at first but 10 minutes into lunch we were attacked by the Trix.

All of the sudden 'BANG' we were all blown away from the magic. As soon as I regained my senses I saw all the other Winx in their fairy form and they were already fighting so quickly I transformed. "Magic Winx!" 

I got into the air and started fighting against the Trix with the girls. All of the sudden there were little monsters around us but  they were hallucinations the thing is though is that they could actually harm you. While I was fighting them I didn't notice Stormy getting ready to blast me and I didn't have enough time to move out of the way. There was one person who did see and that was Bloom she got their in time to get hit by the blast instead of me. After this I was angry and quickly defeated all of the little monsters. (Sorry i'm not very good at writing fight scenes so i hope this satisfies you :) ) When I turned around I saw that the Winx had finally taken down everyone and were surrounding Bloom. 

I quickly ran over to try and help but they blocked my way and I couldn't get through. "Hey what's wrong, why wont you let me near Bloom?" I said. I was given glares instead of an actual response. "Come on guys I want to make sure Bloom is okay please let me through." I pleaded. I still got glares but instead of silence Ayisha answered me. "Oh really now you want to check on Bloom, why didn't you do that when she first got hit?" she shouted. "What is wrong with you why would I ever try to hurt Bloom she is like a sister to me!?" I can't believe they would even think I would do such a thing. 

"I really have no idea what your talking about now let me through so i can see Bloom." I said calmly.  "Why should we let you through, how could you do this to our best friend?" Stella said. "W-what I didn't do anything, I never asked Bloom to take the hit." I said panicked.

"It's all your fault! If you hadn't come to Alfea everything would still be fine but no you had to come and you had to join the Winx. What happens when Bloom doesn't wake up, then what?" Musa screamed. "I-I-I never t-thought of that." I said dejectedly. That got me thinking though, what would happen if Bloom doesn't wake up?

"I can't believe you. Why don't you just leave us alone we don't need you." Tecna said. W-wait they... don' What did i every do? Why does everyone hate me?

"Freya, why would you do this, if you were paying attention Bloom wouldn't be in the condition that she is in now." I can't believe this even Flora is mad at me. " you have to believe me if i could i would go back to make sure Bloom never got hurt. Why do you think-." I said as Ayisha then interrupted me. "Oh my god please just shut up already!! Why can't you see that we don't want you anymore. I have hated you from the start but i didn't say anything because Bloom loved you and I didn't want to upset her. Ugh i wish you would just crawl back into the whole you came from!!" Ayisha angerly screamed. I had tears streaming down my face by now. S-she never liked me, everyone hates me. I had been looking down for a while and once i looked back up i saw that everyone was surrounding Bloom so i quietly disappeared and walked back to my room.

~Time Skip (Brought to you by Amaru)~

When i got back to the dorm i packed all of my stuff while crying. After everything in my room ws packed i cracked the door to see if anyone was here yet and i  was in the clear no one was in the dorm yet so i made a small letter.

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