Chapter 2 home at last

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Freya's POV 

I had used my teleportation magic to get to Sunny Bay. When I got there I ended up in the woods, they looked kinda familiar though. I started to walk through the woods and as I was walking I realized that these are the woods that are near my Aunt's cabin! Once I figured out where I was going I started to walk in the direction that would lead me to the Cabin so I could walk to my Aunt's house. 

~Time Skip~

As soon as I got to the Cabin I started to walk down the long driveway out front and then I was on my way down the road to get to her house. While I was walking I was thinking about what Bloom would think about me leaving. I wonder if she will even care, I bet the other girls are relived that I am gone. I wonder if Aunt Mavis is upset for me being away for so long?  

~Time Skip~

After a couple hours of walking I was finally at Aunt Mavis's house and I couldn't wait to see her. I walked up to the front door and used the key that she gave me and walked in. As soon as I got in the smell of my home wafted around me. I took a deep breath and smiled. I'm finally home. I walked into the kitchen to see my Aunt in there baking, like she always is. 

I walked over and sat at the kitchen bar table and put my elbows up and sat my head on my hands. I just watched her as she gracefully moved around the kitchen. I always loved to watch her bake. It was like watching a ballerina, she was so graceful it looked like she was gliding. After a few minutes I finally spoke up. "Hey Aunt May, whatcha makin?" As soon as I said that I saw her jump but then she turned around and looked at me. We both stared at each other both of us gaining tears in our eyes. After we finally snapped out of it we ran up to each other and had a giant reunion hug. I couldn't stop crying and neither could she. I was so happy to see her again it has been so long.

After our hug she held me at arms length and just looked at me. I looked at her and started tearing up. "I'm so sorry Aunt May, I'm sorry I was gone for so long." I said in between my cries. She looked at me shocked and then hugged me again. "It's alright, I understand why you were gone for so long. I missed you so much." She said to me. I looked up at her with teary eyes and smiled. "Now, now there is no need for tears." She said while handing me a tissue to wipe my eyes. 

After we had our reunion I went upstairs to my bed room so I could unpack everything. When I got there I saw that it looked exactly the same from when I left. I laid my bags on my bed and started to unpack my things. After 2 hours everything was finally unpacked.

After unpacking everything I went downstairs and told my Aunt that I was going to go out and have a walk. As I was walking around I started thinking of all my friends here. Then I remembered something where is Amara at? I walked back to my Aunt's cabin and looked inside and then I saw Amara run up to me barking happily. I quickly picked her up and continued on my way to the the City.

When I finally got into the city I was across the street and looked in to the Smoothie Bar so I could surprise Nathaniel first. While looking in the Smoothie Bar I saw that  the girls were not there yet so I walked in and took a seat at the bar. As Nathaniel was walking around fixing smoothies I told him my order. "May I get a Strawberry Banana Smoothie Please?" As soon as I said that he responded. "One Strawberry Banana Smoothie coming rig-." He stopped everything he was doing. "Wait a minute." He said then slowly turned around to look at me. I smiled at him and casually said "What's up?" He looked at me for a minute then ran up and gave me a hug. 

He walked back behind the bar and started to make my smoothie while talking. "I have so many questions for you but I will ask you on my lunch break which is in a few minutes." After that he gave a few other people their smoothies then made 2 more gave one to me and he started drinking the other. He went back and told his boss he was on his lunch break and then we left. 

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