Love Ya Like a Brother

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I went downstairs and went up to Hoody.

Hoody: You okay? I'm sorry I yelled at you. I shoukdn't have said what I said... And I DO understand. Masky and I were going through the same thing. So... You're like a little sister to me.

He Dutch rubbed my head.

Me: I'm fourteen! Hoooodyyyyy!

Hoody: yeah and I'm seventeen!

I looked at him and couldn't help the tears from coming. He pulled me into a hug and I dug my fingertips into his soft blue sweatshirt.

Hoody: You know I love you like a long lost sister, right? So does everybody else in this house...

Me: Not Jane...

Hoody: Well she doesn't know what she's missing

I forced a slight chuckle. I sniffed up the last of my snot and tears. He pulled me away and held my face in his hands. Then instead of sweetness, there was surprise in his eyes.

Me: What?

Hoody: OOOHHH Patchy! Your eyes! They're red! But it's beautiful!!! EVERYBODY COME DOWN!!!

Before I could stop him he had his hand over my eyes and people were coming down.

Hoody: Patchy.... She's officially become...

He uncovers my eyes and I blinked them open. Everyone gasped.

Hoody: ONE OF US!!!

They all erased their surprise and smiled. Jeff and Kate were they first ones to come up to me.

Kate: sooo pretty!

Jeff: Yeah....your new eyes really bring out, well... Everything! I like it!

Me: thanks...

Slendy: Let's celebrate!

He turned on some music and started to order pizza. Jane went back to get room looking disgusted. Typical... I didn't let her ruin my night though.

After about 45 minuets of the party, Hoody asked me to meet him outside. Once we were out there, he took both of my hands. He started humming and spun me around.

Me: What's this about?

I couldn't hold in the giggle.

Hoody: Patchy, look at me. You know that I know I don't have a crush on you.

Me: Yep...

Hoody: So don't take what I'm about to say in that way, OK?

Me: Got it!

Hoody: I love you, Patchy. And you'll always be a part of this family.

Me: I-I love ya too, Hoody.

He took my hand again and led me back to the house.

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