Save Me (Ch. 3)

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--- TROYE'S POV ---

I stumbled out of the bed, fear enveloping me. My knee was pulsating and I knew there would be a giant bruise covering it. But I didn't care, I had to get out of here. My eyes scanned the room and found the doorway. I peeked out of the doorway and heard the shower running. 

"Now's my chance." I told myself as I walked as fast as I could out of the room. I spotted the door leading out of the apartment, but before I could reach it the shower stopped. The bathroom door opened, and I watched his eyes narrowed as he realized what I was doing. I twirled around, forgetting about the pain that was overtaking my body, and ran out of the apartment. Once again, I found myself in an unfamiliar area. I heard his thundering voice echoing behind me, and ran towards a row of bushes. I quickly hid behind the bushes and attempted to steady my breathing. I watched him through the bushes, and saw his angry face searching the neighborhood for me. 

"If know you're out there, and you better be listening. If you even think about calling the police, I will kill you" he angrily spat. 

Silent tears poured out of my eyes. I buried my face in my arms and waited for him to go back into the apartment. Once I heard the door close, I grabbed my phone only to find it was dead. Perfect. I waited another 5 minutes to make sure he was gone before I got up. I started walking, tears still pouring out of my eyes. 

I passed a parked car and looked into the rearview mirror. I was not surprised to see a large bruise covering my left eye and the left side of my face. I was unrecognizable. I pulled up my hood in an attempt to cover my face and continued walking. I now focused on my shoes, refusing to look up. I must have been walking for a solid hour. I felt more tears falling down my face, as I began to feel more helpless.

--- TYLER'S POV ---

I had been running for a while and was exhausted, but for some reason I continued running. As I was running I saw a clothed figure in the distant slowly limping on the sidewalk. 

"I wonder what's wrong. I hope he's okay." I thought. I continued jogging, when suddenly the figure fell. 

"Oh my God!" I sprinted over to the figure. "Are you oka- Troye?!" I gasped as I saw his face. Bruises covered his precious face. 

"Tilly?" he questioned without looking up at me.

"What happened? Are you okay?" I asked him, stumbling through my words. What was happening? Then I realized, these bruises were caused by a person.

"Who did this to you?! I swear to God once I find them I will ki-" I thundered, but I stopped when I saw his eyes.

I saw tears pouring out of his deep blue eyes, and instantly sat down on the pavement next to him, and wrapped my arms around him. He began bawling as he clenched my sweaty t-shirt. 

"T-t-tilly I d-d-don't know w-what to d-do" he mumbled into my shirt. 

"It's okay Troye, we don't have to talk now. Come on, let's go home" I said as I helped him up, wrapped his arm around my shoulder to support his injured body, and walked towards my house. All the while, wondering who in their right mind would hurt my best friend.

--- A/N ---

Ayyyy! Now they are together :) But two updates in one day :O

Hope y'all are liking it!!


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