Considering the end?

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By the looks of this title you might have guessed something might happen...

I'm considering to end and quit on Wattpad...

I'm not getting as many views or followers as I wanted... My last account was a huge success with over 800 followers but I had to let go because of reasons... I started increasing a bit but now I decreasing quickly...

I'm not gaining popularity out of this and that why I make these drawings... So people see what I draw...

I might consider switching to Instagram, Facebook, Tumber or some other website... If you know a social media website that easily makes you more noticable, please tell me...

By the way on the 9th of this month, I will start vloging on YouTube... My account is 969 purpleroses if your interested...

If you still wish for me to stay here, tell me something that I can improve on so I don't leave...

I'm only considering leaving... I'm not sure yet though...

As for the requests and art trades​, I am halfway done... I plan on putting them in one chapter...

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