The Beginning

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In the Darkest of the night a King and Queen of a kingdom in the cube world of minecraft, was granted with a baby. They spent months preparing, but 3 weeks Pryor to the day of birth the Prince was to be born. Herobrine attacked the kingdom with the power of the Ender Dragon. As the Kingdom got terrorized and Herobrine fled the scene to let his minions do his dirty work the King, King Leon, fought off the Ender Dragon. With the purple flames of the mighty beast hitting the Queen, Queen Naomi, she cried out. After many hours of blood shed all the mobs left by daylight. Two days later, the Prince was born, but the child was no Prince, but a Princess, with glowing purple ender eyes, little black horns, and tiny dark purple wings. Her name, was Zink, Princess Zink. It was clear, the newly born Princess was some sort of, Ender Hybrid, and the kingdom must never know of her birth. So the castle lowered the number of staff, and no one but the staff was to know of the Princess, Zink was not to leave the castle or go near any of the windows by day. The little Princess grew older, stronger, and more curious every day. It didn't take but five little years for the little girl to learn how to fly, make small balls of purple fire and have horrible tantrums when ever a staff member looked at her for a while. Zink was not a happy Princess, and with every passing day her parents seemed to care less and less.

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