Chapter 1 ~ Princess? Princess no more!

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        "But mother!" Princess Zink cried out floating behind her mother, just above her head.

        "No Zink, your father and I have told you a million times, you can not go outside!" Queen Naomi yelled. "And how many times do I have to tell you, No flying in the castle you could hurt yourself!"

        "That's basically saying i'm not aloud to fly at all!" Zink protested landing in front of her mother.

        "Well, deal with it, your a Princess, act like one. Now to your room for bed. I will see you in the morning!" The Queen said sternly then left down the hall.

        "Fine, I totally didn't want to have dad read me a story or anything!" Zink yelled down the hall after her mother then slammed the door locking it. After a while she changed into her night gown and put her tiara on the bed side table, then put on her Amulet with the Royal Seal on it. Her name inscribed in the back.

        On the stroke of midnight Zink climbed out of the window and flew away. Chunk after Chunk, Biome after Biome, just flying and looking at the wonders of the world. Zink got tired and landed on a tree to catch her breath. "Wow, the outside world is so cool!" she smiled

        Zink looked down to see a green mob with glowing red eyes, four legs but no seamed sad. It approached slowly making a small hissing noise, but Zink was to high up for it to reach her.

        Zink jumped down and yelled. "Hug Attack!" she smiled hugging the green mob.

        "She isn't scared of you?" A tall dark purple creature with purple glowing eyes said, the eyes seamed to be in two shades of purple.

        "Yay Hugs!" the green animal said happily, the frown had turned upside down and it's eyes were now a mixture of black, and the irises that were once a dark red were now pinkish purple.

        "Whoa!" Zink gasped pulling away from the green creature. "You guys can talk?!" she smiled astonished.

        "You can understand us?!?" The tall creature gasped he too was in shock.

        "Can't everyone?" Zink looked up in a sad matter, he was quite tall. No more than three blocks, Zink was only one block tall, she was only six.

        "No... We can't speak human, we just understand it. We can speak mob though, you can understand us. Witch is probably why you have glowing purple eyes, dragon wings, and horns. So you have the gift to speak mob, and understand us very well...I wonder if you have any other powers." The tall creature explained quickly, as if his brain was so big that that's why he is so tall.

        "whoa. your smart Mr.?" Zink looked at him, she forgot to ask what their names were.

        "Please, Call me Endi. The Creeper over there is Creepist. You seem new to the outside world. What is your name little girl?" Endi asked sweetly.

        "Zink, Princess Zink Quartz Heartlock, but please just call me by my first name." Zink smiled like the little girl she was.

        "HeHe." Creepist said in a very derped manner, he was on the ground. Endi poked him and Creepist's leg twitched.

        Zink thought for a moment. "Um, I got to go...." She said and opened her wings.

        Endi got up and looked at her confused. "Why? Where you going?"

        "Home, I am a princess, and my parents don't know were i'm at. My castle is just over...." Zinked looked around and flew up high, spinning around. "no,! I'm Lost!" She screamed as she started to fly around in a panic, and began sobbing. Her idea suddenly didn't look so bright. "I wan't to go home!"

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