Chapter 2 ~ Powers Galore!

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        As the morning sun rose and the birds and other animals awoke to the bright light that shined over the horizon so did Endi and Zink. But when Endi opened his eyes the world seamed so...colorful. The sky was a light pink and the clouds seemed to be a bright purple fluff, the grass was blueish green and the sun had a massive grin on its face as it came over the horizon, for some odd reason it was a rainbow. Endi looked over at Zink who was now standing in front of him, she looked... like a angel. Her black night gown turned into a white flowing gown, her Black hair with Purple tips was now a bright Blonde with light Blue tips her horns were now small feather extent ions, her dragon wings were angel wings with small diamond chips on the inside of them, her eyes were no longer ender-like they were a light blue with a cyan iris. "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven you beautiful angel?" Endi was lost in his love struck moment and forgot this wasn't a dream.

        "W-What? Um. I-I don't know?...Wait, you think im beautiful?" Zink blushed a bright pink

        Endi snapped back to reality and his mind was now a mush, he forgot what he had said and his vision was back to normal. He looked at Zink and got up. "Um...Zink, why are you staring at me like that?" he blinked slightly.

        "You..." Zink began then sighed. "Nothing, its was nothing." she said staring at the grass.

        Endi began to worry and picked up her chin gently. "Come on, you can tell me, right?" he smiled slightly.

        Zink looked up at him in the eyes. "Its just that, you said I was beautiful. But you don't remember anyway."

        Endi's eyes widened and he froze. "I-I said that?" he nearly choked on his own words. He could see the disappointment in her eyes, so he knelt down to her eye level. "Look, Zink. I don't remember saying it, but I was bound to say it some time. It is true, you are very beautiful."

        Zink smiled but before she could do anything else, Bright pink petals sprang from the ground around her cutting her off from Endi, and incasing her. "Endi help me!" she screamed and pounded on the thick stiff petals. Crisp white cloud fluff foamed at the bottom and started to spiral up the petals, in casing the closed flower in thick soft clouds. Bright purple, pink & blue lights came from inside, with a little girl's silhouette, Zink began floating in the flower, being pulled up by her abdomen, her short cut hair fell reluctantly with her arms, as her legs lay like half cooked spaghetti, Her wings were forced to unfold and explained to full length. The Purple and Pink lights floated away from her body in little beads of light, lifting out of the crack in top of the flower, floating into the sky and returning as blue and white beads. Her hair began to grow, and her horns changed, her cloths unwrapped and re-wrapped, twice, no three times. The small girl's wings became thicker.

        Endi watched the transformation and bright light, It was terrifying, all he could think of was {What is Lord EnderDragon going to say about this?!?!}

        Slowly the flower lifted from the ground reviling thick coiling vine, it lifted into the air about 5 blocks. Puffs of white cotton clouds appeared in a staircase like matter, so when it bloomed, Zink could get down. All of a sudden all the glowing faded into a slight gold glow, and the flower began to open, first the protective cloud cover became a small disk like look and shredded out as the petals fell down onto it one by one, and the golden glow brightened light the rays of haven. in the center, stood a small female, with bright blue glowing eyes and long silky straight hair, Light blue tips faded into the ends of her hair like water. Her old t-shirt and pants were now turned into a light pink dress with a little blue ribbon around her waist. Her horns were now little feathers, and her dragon wings, now a medium sized pair of angel wings, folded they had small diamond specs in the feathers. She was wearing little black shoes with white tights. The glow of the flower faded until it was gone. Endi stood there looking up, mouth hanging open like a broken hinge on a door.Endi walked over and reached up his hand to help her down. Zink smiled sweetly and got down to where she could reach his hand and started down the puffy stairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2014 ⏰

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