Chapter 1

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"This is it." Bailey almost broke the poor old desk chair that was already on the brink of death as she angrily plopped down with a bag of chips. She stretched her fingers and opened her blue laptop with squinted eyes. SherbetLemon; she typed in the password and hit enter as hard as possible.

"Matt Dillon, you..- you little squid." Quickly opening her blog and getting ready to release her anger the usual way, by writing.

Bailey's blog was like a magical place where she wrote posts about the caught-red-handed, bird-brained jocks that tyrannize half of the city.

Almost everyone in the Erenfall High School knew about the blog but nobody was actually aware of the mastermind behind all those wonderful, inspiring words. 

It was truly a gift to be able to spot the smallest things from the corner of one's eye.

Matt Dillon, at first glance a very intellectual person who, as told on Wikipedia, engages in critical thinking, research, and reflection about society and proposes solutions for its normative problems. It's true, he's a true intellectual.. But if you spare another glance you'll see that he's also a very sweet, generous and munificent man. You can probably find his little gifts everywhere around the school. If you've ever stared at your locker with sparkling eyes and a hand over your racing heart, wondering; "Who left this dried nasal mucus on my locker?" I am here to answer that question for him because he's too humble to openly say "I am the knight in shining armor and the real savior." So, I am sitting here, with a tear rolling down my cheek because I feel.. I just feel that he doesn't get the recognition he deserves. He fights for this country like nobody else, he protects and cares for this small town from the bottom of his heart and if you ever doubt that, even the slightest... Take another look at that dried nasal mucus hanging from your locker again, take another look at that booger and tell me, is that not the bravest man you've ever seen? I mean, if he's not the bravest man alive, then I don't know who is. The way his eyes roam around the hall to check if there's anyone watching before he determinedly lifts his finger up to his nose and takes a big step towards humanity. -because the best and the most kindhearted people don't want publicity for their kind deeds

"Finished!" The girl yelled, opening the salty chips that was resting next to her laptop for the past 10 minutes while thinking about the book that was forcefully taken from her and dipped into the toilet water at school today, only to be returned by being thrown at her face. That atrocious squid!

"Bailey, clean your room! We have guests tomorrow!" Her deep thoughts were interrupted when Bailey's mom, Rachel Parker, shouted from the kitchen downstairs. 

"Mom, I'm pretty sure your lady-friends aren't interested, much less want to inspect and investigate my room!"

The girl looked at the ceiling as she spun around in the soon-to-be-destroyed chair while waiting for her mother's enthusiastic response. 

"Clean it! Now! Also, pass on the message to your dear brother when he gets back, I don't want any cockroaches crawling out of those rooms while we're having dinner!" Bailey squinted her eyes immediately and stood up.

"It's not even that bad." A big pile of clothes was comfortably resting in front of the closet as she quietly mumbled to herself while making sure to keep it out of her visual field as long as possible. Unfortunately, it was too big.

If one must describe the room of this particular teenage girl, it's everything but a girly room, also everything but clean. It's probably more fitting to call it a guy's room.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2017 ⏰

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