Hulk jatuh bergolek masuk hospital bahagia

20 8 28

Akhirnya aku keluar belari ke luar rumah menghirup udara segar.

Sekejap. Tarikh hari ni berapa? (ಥ_ಥ)

Aku melihat kalendar kemudian menggeleng kepala.


Hari ni.


Tag by 95_bangtan

You have to post all the rules

You can't refuse the challenge

You has exactly one week to do it

You had to put in a book not in comment section or wall

Have a creative tittle

Tell me when done
Done ~

List 13 fact about you

1.Perangai tak tentu kekandang boleh jadi sangat bijak and sangat lembap.

2. Sleep with music

3.Haters pink, makeup and tak pernah pakai inai, dan subang.

4.habit : wink

5. Kekadang takde perasaan or reaksi

6.Tinggi 146 or 148 tinggi kan? 😂

7. Senang terkejut

8. Ada penyakit resdung

9. anti sosial di realiti

10.paling pendek dalam group and

12.kedua termuda dalam kelas.

13. Dah aku takde idea😂😂

Tag 13 people

Wajib buat au aku perhatikan korang ~*mata helang*

abangtangojess seokastic pinkykookie27 taesty_ busanguy- hfizahh 17_Mochi jihoonist- wiwoozi _Shadow-Shado_ Hackster- imfabtenkiu

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2017 ⏰

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