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SB:aww,cute..how did it happen?

JB:i courted her for 3 months (please pretend :">)


JB:yeah.and those 3 months we became best of friends then i asked her to be my girlfriend.

SB:so eimi you work for tiger beat and of course there will be paparazzis are you two going on public?

U:uhm,i don't want to lie to the fans cuz that would make me feel guilty,like their going to see picture of us hanging out together then they're going to ask justin,then justin will be like "no,were just friends". justin was about to talk when i continued

U:but i'm afraid that when we go on public his fans will hate on me and you know try to kill me? they all laughed

JB:i don't want to hide.i want the world to know that i'm going out with my bestfriend.

U:your going out with who?chaz or ryan? he stuck his tongue out

Chaz:oh,i'm going out with justin. justin put his arms around chaz 

PM:oh God,justin you aren't gay are you? i laughed

JB:no,i love  eims.

Ryan:so how many boyfriends did you have?


Ryan:so that when somebody attacks you we know.

U:well,justin's my first. the three boys (justin,ryan and chaz) burst out laughing i pouted

PM:boys stop that.


U:well me and carly went to an exclusive school for girls,and i don't really hang out with boys.

SB:how about proms?

U:never did go to those things.

Ryan:don't tell us you haven't kissed a boy.

U:nope. they burst out laughing again

---after the dinner---

i said good bye to pattie and the others.justin and i went to my appartment 

U:come inside. we both went inside.he sat on the couch

U:lemme change my clothes first.feel at home. he nod i went in my room and changed to my shorts and top i went out 

JB:let's watch a movie?

U:sure,what movie?

i'm carly rae's sister and i met jb.a "Jeims" love story (completed)Where stories live. Discover now