Chapter 1-Meeting the Others

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Pisces P.O.V

Run, run, run! I screamed in my head, a creature larger than a ten story building stood before me. It's three heads resembled that of a dragon's but more hideous and terrifying. I wanted to hide and slip away into the darkness that surrounded me and this . . . This . . . Monster! I couldn't look away, it stared at me, I was paralyzed in absolute fear.

Then it spoke, "So you are the descendant of The Kind Fish? You really?" I looked it fear at the creature, all the eyes of the three heads were red as blood, the creature's aura reeked with power. Than out of no where the ground shook beneath me from a rumbling roar of the dragon creature.

"Even the fish would be a more worthy opponent than you, a mere mortal," then his eyes turned dark, darker than the sky, " You will die, there is no escape, I will find you, and all the guardians then I will rule. I will be King Alu of the whole universe and nothing will stop me.


I woke with a start, my blue eyes looked like saucers in the mirror across my bed room and my blonde hair looked like a rat's nest. I groaned and then my mind went to the dream.

It was all just so real, the dragon beast has so much detail to it, it's dark red scales, the red eyes that glowed in the dark, and the aura was so intimidating. How could that be so real?

My mind spun with questions and I needed answers. Then I though about it for a little bit and realized I was just being paranoid and shrugged it off even if I knew in my self that I wouldn't just easily forget about it.

Then I heard the familiar creek of a door, but what wasn't so familiar was the clanking of heels hitting the hardwood floor downstairs. My mom didn't own heels, trust me when I asked her if I could use her friend, Tammy's heels. When I asked my mom was all like, 'No! You'll break your neck in those things!'

Anyway, back to the point, those heels at not familiar. I quickly threw on a plain blue shirt and like a gust of wind, I flew downstairs and blew past little my brother.

When I got downstairs I saw a woman, she looked like she was in her early thirties through late twenties. She had her dark brown hair tied in a bun with a fancy beige blouse and a black pencil skirt, to be honest this woman was beautiful.

My mom looked at me when I came down and grabbed my hand, "We were just talking about you Pisces, dear. This is Ms.Astro, she wants to ask you a few things." My mother said in a sickly sweet voice and gave me 'the look' to be polite.

"Ah, yes you must be Pisces, right?" I simply shook my head, "You are quite a beautiful young lady. Now I would like to ask you some questions is that okay?" I have another nod of my head to signal it was okay.

" Now, Pisces, did you have an out of the ordinary dream? Anything to do with a dragon creature?'' she asked.

I was taken aback, I had not told anyone of this dream, I literally just woke up from it. "Yes, yes I did." I said, Ms. Astro looked at me nodding her head and types something on her laptop quickly. Damň, she can type fast.

"Did this dream include a creature, or a beast of some sort? Did it say anything about a fish?" My mother looked at the woman like she had grown an extra head, for she, my mother most likely thought this was all a joke.

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