Attending a Wedding

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Note: So it has been forever since I updated. Sorry. Also, this imagine is based on a cute gif of Justin smiling. I know it sucks (sorry about that), but enjoy the gif at least.  Also, feel free to drop in requests. :)

I twiddled around the spoon and stared absentmindedly at the bowl of milk and choco cereal. I was so sleepy and I had absolutely no want to go to the wedding today. It was my cousin's. And as much as I loved her, weddings were simply not the place for me. Everyone had to be so proper. People were crying left and right. Yeesh. Get a grip on yourselves, people. But my opinion didn't matter. Eva was getting married. And I was going.

"Keep it at, young lady, and we'll arrive at the wedding after the guests go home," stated my mother. I looked at her, sighed, and then ate my cereal.

After breakfast, I went up to my room to get ready. I picked a quarter, laced sleeved teal and white dress. It was one of the few dresses I had. I was more of a casual girl. I did a crown braid on my hair and applied just a teensy bit of makeup. Once my dad, mom, and brother got ready, we left for Eva's wedding.

The wedding venue was beautiful, I must say. Even though I'm not a very big fan of weddings, the venues and decorations always seem to fascinate me. It was outside, filled with greenery and flowers. Eva held a beautiful bouquet of roses and peonies. Before I knew it, the couple exchanged vows and kissed and were now married. And all I did was observe the venue and the clothes and colors. Silly me.

It was okay, though. The reception is more fun anyway. The good food. The silliness. The pictures. I was enjoying eating the scrumptious wedding food and laughing at Eva groaning from taking so many pictures. Her new husband's friends and acquaintances were having fun annoying Eva.

And then, I started choking on my food. Because my mind had drifted away from the food and was now fixed on this guy who was laughing along with the others and being silly. Dang, he was cute.

I drank some water to stop me from coughing like a dead duck

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I drank some water to stop me from coughing like a dead duck. But right now, the only person I could see was that boy. I had to know his name. But how? I'm so shy. I can't talk to anyone. It's not like I don't want to; I just can't start up a conversation. I sighed and finished up my food.

After the food, I sort of wandered around, trying to look at that boy but not making it to obvious. That's when Eva waved her arm and called me. "Y/N, girl, come here." I walked towards her and gave her a hug. "Eves, you look gorgeous today. Like a princess," I said.

Eva laughed. "Y/N, thanks for coming. I know you're not a wedding lover, but this really means a lot. And you don't look too bad yourself," she said. I laughed.

"Hey, Eva, your husband's calling you," said the cute boy. I turned and looked at him. But he was looking at Eva. "I'll be right back, Y/N. How about you talk to Justin until then?" she suggested as she left. So his name is Justin.

"Uh, hey," I said, a nervous wreck.

"Hi. Justin," he said as he stuck out his fist for a fist bump. I fist bumped back. "And you are..."

"Y/N," I answered, angry that I couldn't get myself to talk right. "So, what's up?" I asked.

"Um, nothing much. I haven't been to a wedding in a long time. This is cool. The people getting married aren't necessarily connected to me but I'm having a great time. So, your sister's husband is our neighbor," he explained.

I was mentally beating myself up for the awkwardness. Thankfully, he spoke up again. "Y/N, I was about to go get punch. Care to join me?"

"Sure," I said.

And so we sat at a table after getting punch and talked. A lot. I got to know so much about him. And he got to know so much about me. After the conversation and punch, everyone danced; so did we. It was a great time.

Before it all ended, Justin came up to me once again and through all the noise whispered, "Since your sister is moving so close to our place, maybe you could come and visit sometime." "And when you can't, here's my number," he said as he tucked a piece of paper into my palm. I smiled. He did too. 

Maybe weddings weren't so bad...

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