New Girl Imagine #1

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Note: Hello, again :) So this is a little series I'm starting. This is the first imagine. It's basically about you being a new girl in a new place and you befriend Justin (you get the idea). I apologize if there are any mistakes. Also, if you want to request a specific imagine, please do so. Also, have a great day :)

I sighed as I strapped my seat-belt. Today was the first day of school and I was nervous wreck. This was high school! This wasn't elementary where you meet someone and instantly just become the best of friends. Would my new classmates like me? Will I fit in? How awkward would lunch be? Will I stay lonely? Will I make friends? My questions came to an abrupt halt when my father started talking to me.

"Ready, Y/N?" Dad asked.

I took a deep breath then said, "As ready as I'll ever be."

Dad leaned in for a hug. It was comforting to know he was always there for me. "Sweetheart, I know how hard this is for you. I'm sorry my job required us to move," Dad apologized as he started the car.

"No, Dad, it isn't your fault. None of this is. Don't worry; I'll be absolutely fantastic today," I assured him and gave him a smile. Anxiousness was killing me on the inside but I had to make the best person in the world happy. He deserved it. He had raised me all these years on his own and tried his very best to provide for me and make me happy. I was so blessed to have a father like him, and I was determined to try to have a good first day. For him.

The car ride was filled with a wholesome, uplifting, and light talking. Dad really does know how to make me happy. He dropped me off and reminded me to smile. I nodded and waved bye. I walked forward and soon looked around to see all the unfamiliar faces. They were similar to me, some of them, at least. They were doing bottle flips. I laughed as I thought of the bottle flip fails I had previously. The laugh was soon gone, though. I had found myself dangerously close to the popular girls. It has not even been a minute since I stepped on the school grounds and I instantly recognized and made a mental note to stay far, far away from them. They spelled nothing but trouble.

Minutes after I arrived, the bell rang and everyone rushed to his or her first period classes. I tried to find my way to mine. Algebra. How I dreaded math but there was nothing I could do. When I walked into class, the people all stared at me. I gave them a nervous smile as my homeroom teacher began to introduce me. I waved at them. And surprisingly, they waved back and gave me smiles. So maybe my classmates weren't so bad. And this is going to be a good day.

After four periods, the lunch bell rang. I grabbed my lunch box and headed outside. My classmates had seemed to forgot about me except this one guy named Cory. He was into tech and stuff. But soon, he went somewhere, and I was left all alone in the crowd of people I didn't know. I looked around when I noticed this boy occasionally looking at me and talking to his friends. 

He was maybe a class older than me because I hadn't seen him in class

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He was maybe a class older than me because I hadn't seen him in class. I pretended not to notice. I was the new kid here. Stares were normal. But then, the boy walked toward me and sat next to me by the steps.

"Hey, new girl, right?" the boy asked.

"Right. People usually call me Y/N," I answered with a smile.

"Justin. Nice to meet you," he said then stuck out his fist for a fist bump. I fist bumped him back. "So, how's your day been so far? Did you make any new friends?" Justin asked.

"Um, it's been going better than I expected. I haven't really make any friends. I'm not much of a talker. But I did talk to Cory," I explained.

"Oh, yeah, Cory. The tech dude. He's a cool guy. We skate at the park sometimes. Have you been to the park?"

"Uh, no. My dad and I moved here just last week," I replied.

"Well, I think I'm going today. You are welcome to join me. You'll love it there," Justin suggested.

"Thanks, but what about homework?" I asked.

"It's okay, Y/N, you could do your homework there. It's really peaceful, usually. It gets noisy when we have skateboard competitions but I don't think that's happening today. Also, the park has a pond with baby ducks and frogs, if that interests you. I understand if you can't go. We can totally go another time."

"Maybe I will go today. I'll have to ask my dad first, though," I told Justin

"Cool. I'll see you around then," he said as he got up and went back to his friends. I smiled. Maybe this school year will go better than expected. 

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