Chapter 9

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Gemini and Sagittarius were working on the computer while the others were searching in the books.

"There's nothing. We can't track their location. " said Gemini.

"What about her phone?" asked Scorpio.

"She left it at the spot where she was kidnapped that day."said Leo.

"Gem, Sagi, come and help us. There must be something about it in the books. Maybe in the history."said Capricorn.


"You are my dark princess."Ophiuchus said while running his finger on her face.

"I can't deny the truth. I will accept you as my father. But, I don't want to be a dark princess. I like myself, the air leader. That's enough for me. I don't want to betray my friends and my people. "

"Libra. I am not asking you to leave everything behind. You can still be the air leader. But, I need you to help me. If you agree to help me, you can be with your friends again."

"How can I help you?" said Libra. Ophiuchus ordered his man to bring something.

 Ophiuchus ordered his man to bring something

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"This is the needle of darkness. I want you to-"

"You want me to stab them with that? No, I can't do that." Libra interrupted.

"This won't kill them. They'll be okay. It's not like that. Just make sure it touched their blood."

"What are you planning? What do you want to do to them? And what is the effect?"

"You will know the answer later. All you have to do is listen to me."

I can't do this. And I can't reject in this situation. Ah. I know. Maybe I pretend that I do and lie to him. That'll be great. I'm good at acting. Now it's time for some actions. Libra thought.

"I can't help you like this." Libra said while trying to pull her hands. "You won't tie me here forever, will you?"

"Oh. I'm sorry. "Ophiuchus said and untie the ropes. Libra stood up and Ophiuchus handed her the needle. She hesitantly took it and put it inside her pocket.

When Libra was about to leave, he stopped her.

"Wait! There is something you need to do." Ophiuchus said. Libra sighed and said, "What again?"

"I....about that... I need to do it offcial."

"What official?"

"That you are my daughter."

"What?!" Libra faked coughed. "How?"

"Come with me."

Ophiuchus took Libra to the throne room. It was dark but you can still see everything clearly. Everything was perfect except from the darkness. The guards opened the door and Libra and Ophiuchus stepped in.

It's huge. It maybe bigger than mine. Libra thought. When she looked straight, she saw the two thrones decorated with different types of gems.

Why are there two thrones? Maybe his wife, of course. Yeah. That's possible. But, I want to know. It's not wrong to ask. She thought.

"Why are there two thrones? Is that for your wife?"

"Umm...I don't have a wife. Your mother was the one and only one. That's for you." Ophiuchus said while he was pointing to one of the thrones.

"For me? I don't need that. I already have two."


"Yeah, one in the Air palace and the other in the central palace. You don't know? You should study more about your daughter. You don't even know what she has. Wait. Do you even know my birthday?"

"October 10th." Ophiuchus said. Libra nodded yes. "And you're right. I need to know more about you. Let's talk about that later. Why don't we get to our business?" Ophiuchus said. "Sherlock! Call the sorcerer."


"There's nothing about it. What should we do?" said Leo.

"There may be another ways." said Capricorn. Scorpio stood up and banged the table.

"What another way? We have searched everything. And what did we find? Nothing! And now we don't even know if she is alive or not. I'm going to find her. If you stay here, it's okay. I can go by myself and that's it!" yelled Scorpio. Then, he left the library.

"Wait, Scorpio-" said Capricorn. Capricorn stood up from her seat and was about to follow Scorpio. Then, Leo also stood up and stopped her by holding her shoulder.

"I'll go check on him." said Leo.

Scorpio stormed into his room. He sat down on his bed and started to cry.

"It's all because of me. If I didn't take her that day, this would never happen. And I couldn't protect her. Why would this happen to her? She did nothing wrong. I wish this is happening to me instead of her."he said while crying.

Leo walked to Scorpio's room. She put her ear up to the door slowly. She heard some voices. Is he crying? It's rare to see him cry. Leo thought and lifted her ears. Then, she knocked on the door.

"Scorpio, can I come in? It's me, Leo."

Scorpio wiped his tears and said,"Okay."

Leo walked into the room and sat beside Scorpio.

"I'm sorry for yelling. I just....I couldn't control myself. You know....." Scorpio said.

"Hey, Libra is our friend. Everyone is feeling bad for her."

"You're right. Let me pack my things."

"You're not going in your own,are you?"

"Yes, I'm doing this on my own."

"I'll go with you. Let me prepare. If you go by yourself, then I'll make you kiss with this." Leo said while making a fire-ball in her hand.

"Don't forget that I'm a water sign."Scorpio said while holding a water-ball.

"Whatever. Just don't leave me behind, okay?" Leo said and left for her room.

When Leo opened the door and entered her room, she saw Aries sitting on her bed.

"What are you doing in a girl's room without her permission?"

"Can't I enter my girlfriend's room?"

"Stop your games. I need to help Scorpio."

"Woah. Do you think I will allow my girlfriend to go alone with another guy? No way. I'm coming with you and I have already done my preparation." Aries said while pointing to his bag.

"Fine. Just let me prepare. You go outside and wait."

"Okay." Aries said. He took his bag and headed to Scorpio's room.

A few minutes later....

"Are you ready?" Scorpio asked.

"Yes!" Aries and Leo replied in unison.

"Let's go find her." Scorpio said.

"Wait!" Capricorn shouted from behind.

Sorry for another boring chapter. And I don't see many comments. I love reading comments so please comment! Thank you for reading. *bows 90°*

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