Which One Is Hikaru?

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We've been joined at the hip, so to speak, since we were born, Hikaru and I. We may only be like this because everyone treated us like we were the same person... They still do...

"Let's play the which one is Hikaru game!"

Squeals of delight come from our guests.

"OOOH! Nobody ever wins!"

Because nobody ever tries to.

"It's so difficult!"

If you got to know the people inside instead of just our looks, it might be easier.

"Hey, mind if I try?"

It's Haruhi. We didn't expect this.

"Why, of course!" Hikaru and I say in unison.

We make Haruhi close her eyes whilst we spin around each other. Like it makes a difference. Nobody ever gets it right anyway. We could just not move and they would still get it wrong.

"Open your eyes!"

She does as she's told.

"Which one is Hikaru?"

She studies us briefly.

"The one on the left is Hikaru. The one on the right is Kaoru."

She didn't even hesitate. She didn't even ask.

She was certain.

And she was right.

She's only been here maybe a week.

How could she get it right?!

"Uh oh! You got it wrong!"

"No I didn't." How does she know?! "You guys may look alike, but you're actually very different. Hikaru, you're more of a leader out of the two of you. It's mostly you who starts teasing Tamaki. You're the more confident one. Kaoru, you're more quiet and laid back, there's a little bit more mystery to you too. Hikaru usually is quite open about what's he's thinking or feeling, whereas, you  seem to bottle everything up."

We've been floored.

She knew... and so easily.

Even people we've known for years can't tell us apart. Even our own parents can't but here she is, able to read us like an open book.

In our stunned silence, she moves to walk away, no one stops her.

On her way past me, she leans in to whisper to me.

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