The Confession (Part 2)

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The next day and I'm watching my brother from a window as he confesses to his first love. I can't help but feel emotional. For more than just the fact that he's growing up (even though he's the older one of us two). I can't bare the fact that I'm going to lose him and to someone he's only known for a few months! I've known him for years... Our entire lives...

I knew this day would come, the day when he would fly the nest and leave me flapping as hard as I can to keep him with me... Him flying off without even glancing back at his younger brother, only looking ahead. Always looking ahead...

He's hugging her. Or, she's hugging him. I can't tell from this distance, but that could either mean it went well or it was a total rejection.

I'll ask him later, when we get home.


The entire car ride back he's had this unreadable face plastered onto his head. For once, I can't tell what he's thinking.


We're back in our room, and as soon as he sits down on the bed, I ask him, "So, how did it go? What did she say?"

"She said yes." 

"That's great!" But why does he look so sad?

"But she said that the fountain brought back a good memory of Tamaki... Remember when her bag was thrown into it?" I nod. "Yeah, apparently boss helped her find some stuff in it. I know, what a sweet guy..."

I go to put my hand on his shoulder but he moves away.

"I really do like her but I think Tamaki likes her more..."

I can't stand seeing him like this.

"I'm really sorry, but I need to... pee. I'll be back in a minute!"

He nods and flops onto the bed.

I go into my bedroom's bathroom, away from him and his room. I then take out my phone and scroll my contacts for Haruhi's number. Calling her, I get impatient. It's rang three times now, when will she pick up?



"Hi, Haruhi. This is Kaoru."

"Oh, hey!"

"I was calling to check up on you and to ask how you feel about my brother."

I wasn't meant to say that last bit. Crud.

"Um? Well, I'm doing fine, and I'm not sure how to answer the other part... I suppose..." 

Her next words might be her last.

"... I really like him."

I let out a breath that I didn't realise I had been holding.

"That's good then. I thought you might have liked Tamaki more than Hikaru..."

"Of course I don't! Tamaki is nice and all, but Hikaru is just... nicer."

"Thanks, Haruhi. Is it okay if I tell Hikaru what you said?"

"Sure." She seems unsure.

"Thanks. I'll see you tomorrow, bye."

"Tomorrow's Saturday."

"I know."

"Wai-" I hang up before she can say anything.

"Now to tell Hikaru."

"There's no need." I freeze.

"H-hi, Hikaru!" I stutter, trying to act casual but failing miserably.

"You really need to stop talking to people on speaker phone."

"Saves me a job though." It does though.

He seems unimpressed but laughs anyway.

"You didn't need to get involved, you know."

"I wanted to make sure."

"Okay then." He smiles genuinely at me.

I wanted to make sure that I wouldn't lose you forever to her...

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