Rikky fantasises (2)

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  song| crazy in love (fifty shades of grey) - Beyonce 

 Hearing soft footsteps coming closer to his office, he briefly acknowledged,

"Come in, Mr. Linton."

His secretary opened the door and entered the cold and silent office.

"Your work hours are over, Mr. Linton. Did you come to work free overtime?" 

"Yes, sir." 

He heard his secretary answer, while he didn't look up from the file he was studying. There seemed to be a hidden undertone in the tone of voice, and he chose to ignore it. Although, he found himself wondering why he suddenly decided to spend more time at the office, with his chauvinist misery  self, as he often put it. Did he want to escape from something again? Was it another suitor? He never expressed those unconventional concerns, of course. 

"Adequate. Bring me file 3917F." 

He expected to hear the sound of leaving footsteps, but instead, he heard the jingling of keys. He looked up to find him locking the office door.

"Only, I intend to work a rather different kind of free overtime than what you have in mind, sir. Though, I assure you it will be just as worthwhile." 

He murmured in a silvery, breathy voice that was so unlike his, or at least the one she usually used with him.

He swallowed, transfixed and not uttering a word. Until she removed her top hat and threw it on the floor, he watched as her mop of chestnut brown hair fell around her face like waves of the ocean. And God, how he wanted to run his fingers through those endlessly free waves, he suspected that they smelled divine as well, something bold and with a lot of spunk, much like the owner. And what the hell are you thinking?

"Mr. Linton, what, pray, are you doing?" 

He demanded with frost in his tone. This should have made him, yes him, he must remember this, for his sanity's sake, stop whatever absolute nonsense he was up to. Mr. Rikkard Ambrose should have known better by now.

"I missed you, sir."

His left little finger twitched.

"What....?" He croaked.

Damnation! Why did his voice sound this low? This apprehensive? What was the reason for these bizarre actions? This was unacceptable!

Her body was clad in those absurd men's clothes he mightily insisted she wears if she wanted to step foot inside his office and work as his secretary. It was a way to save his reputation and dignity from this scandalous trap he put herself in. Now, more often than not, he found himself pondering of her in females' clothing. Like when they went to the royal wedding, how she easily outshined all expensively dressed women there, even the queen herself paled in comparison to the fiery beauty that he held hands with during the wedding. He didn't have to worry about her men's attire for long though, because she was shrugging her tailcoat off!

Quickly, he pulled himself together.

"Mr. Linton. Cease this nonsense at once!" He ordered, even if he was unsure of his words himself.

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