Chapter 14:

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When I woke up it was about ten. I got up and put on a loose sweater and a pair of spandex shorts that went to about mid thigh. I would never wear that in public though, that was just my home outfit because I obviously didn't have to get all dressed up.

When I looked in the mirror I saw that my hair looked like a rats nest, so I just brushed it out and put it in a messy bun.

By the time that was done Paul was calling me down for dinner. Honestly, I love Paul already. He treats me like a father should treat a daughter, unlike my real dad did. Paul is also really understanding and isn't watching me like a hawk to make sure I don't hurt myself again.

I walked downstairs and saw Paul sitting at the table with a newspaper in his hands. He looked up and gave me a stern look. "You will not wear those in public. It's fine if you wear them around here though." he said. "Already know that." I said chuckling lightly.

I sat down and started eating my breakfast, which consisted of bacon, eggs, and toast. This is something I have always wanted, a normal family life, even if Paul wasn't really family.

After breakfast I went to my room and grabbed my shit laptop that was starting to fail on me. Of course I wouldn't tell Paul because I am not going to leach off of him, even if he did adopt me.

When I looked at my facebook I saw all the people from school asking me where I was, considering I have been gone for about a week now. I decided to make a quick status, 'I moved to London! No more dealing with the shit people of that town! I will miss all my friends but this is what's best for me. You all will be seeing me soon, even if it's not back in Fairview.'

I seriously hated that town. The people there were all stuck up snobs, and most of the kids there smoked, did drugs, and partied. Fairview was definitely a dead end town, and I'm glad for getting out of there when I did.

I suddenly got a bunch of messages, all of them people asking why I moved, and why my dad was seen in the paper, in jail. I replied to a few that I knew I could trust, and the rest just told them that I needed a change, and that my dad had done something that ended up in him getting locked up.

I heard the doorbell ring and ran downstairs, seeing Lou, and she had Lux with her. "Hey, I'm Lou Teasdale, and this is my lovely daughter Lux. You must be Leslie." she said smiling, and sticker her hand out. "Yep, that's me. Nice meeting you." I said with a grin.

I invited Lou in and she immediately got to work, saying this would take a while. I just listened to her and we walked to my room, that used to be one of the two guest rooms. Paul said I would be able to remodel soon.

We sat there listening to music, and talking while she did my hair. We became friends almost immediately, and Lux was warming up to me as well. By the time my hair was done it was 3, considering we had gotten so distracted, talking about random things.

Lou obviously asked why Paul adopted me, and I told her the truth, not wanting to keep that a secret, Lou comforted me during that time.

So now here we were, getting ready to do my makeup. Lou wouldn't let me look at my hair, and she sure as hell wouldn't let me see my make up. So she tried to hurry with the makeup.

During this time I couldn't move, otherwise the makeup could be ruined, so I just sat there, being bored. By the time that was done it was now 3:30. We had a lot of time to kill, but she still wouldn't let me look at myself in the mirror.

At some point she started looking through my jewelry to find something that would match my dress, and hair, and makeup. It took her a while, but she found the perfect bracelet, and necklace for the outfit.

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