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Collywobbles: butterflies in stomach

Slubberdegullion: a worthless person

Hobbledehoy: an awkward teenager; one who is perpetually ungainly and uncertain

ackamarackus: pretentious or deceptive nonsense

balgue: humbug: pretentious nonsense

cack: rubbish

bumfuzzle: to be confused perplexed or flustered; to cause confusion

snickersnee: a long dangerous knife

widdershins: moving counterclockwise or in the wrong direction

gubbins: an object that has little to no value

wabbit: exhastion

Nudiustertian: the word for the day before yesterday

Quire: two dozen sheets of paper

Pauciloquent: Refers to someone who doesn't say much

these words were brought to you by pinterest and express 









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