Chapter 1- School

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Jennifer wiped the sweat of her brow and breathed deeply, trying to sooth the stitch in her side. It had been a good practice and she could already feel her muscles starting to hurt. She had really pushed it this time.

Wearily, she pulled off her dance shoes and tossed them sloppily in her bag. She felt sticky and sweaty, but it felt good. She absolutely loved to dance.

Gathering the rest of her things, Jennifer briskly made her way to the girl's locker room. She changed quickly and then checked herself in the mirror. Her long ponytail felt hot on her neck so she pinned up the golden curls. When she was satisfied with her reflection she finished packing her backpack and then stepped out into the hall. It was already filled with students rushing to their next classroom.

Narrowly avoiding collisions with her fellow students, Jennifer paced herself perfectly with her ticking watch. She was never late to any classes; she wouldn't allow it. As she sauntered into class a few of her blonde locks fell from their restraints, creating a stylish messy bun. As always, Jennifer looked perfect.

Multiple boys watched her as she settled into her chair. With her sunny hair, blue eyes, and slim dance figure she was the envy of many girls in the school. She was perfectly mature, and maturely perfect. The teachers loved her, as did many of her peers. She looked like a modern day princess.

As the bell rang, their teacher, Mrs. Huling, reentered the room. She was carrying a small cardboard box, which she placed delicately on her desk. She smiled at her class warmly, and then lovingly back at the box. Mrs. Huling was a young teacher, and new to the school. She was always dressed in a nice skirt and unflattering heels that made her look too tall for her own good. Her large feather earrings danced past her shoulders as she strode back to the front of the class. Then she clasped her manicured fingers together and gave her students a pearly smile.

"Welcome to English, kids!" Mrs. Huling sang. "Today is going to be a really great day! I have a surprise for you. After today's grammar test, I shall unveil our new class reading book!"

The class groaned inwardly. Jennifer's friend Kari slumped over on her desk. Many of the other students followed suit. Jennifer however remained perfectly calm and conducted; she always tried to bear bad news with a solemn attitude.

Mrs. Huling did not seem to notice the student's misbehavior. She grabbed a stack of papers and began passing them out. "Start as soon as you get the paper. But don't rush! We'll have plenty of time to talk over the new book afterward. No talking or cheating. If I see anything suspicious I'll have to confiscate your test." Then she sat down at her desk, staring at the box like a child who had just been told that they had to wait to blow out the birthday candles.

Kari caught Jennifer's eye and gave her a desperate look.

"I didn't study!" she mouthed.

Jennifer shrugged apologetically. "I'm sure you'll do fine," she mouthed back. At least she would do fine. Jennifer Parkins always did fine— even when she didn't.


When the test was over the students passed their papers to the front and Mrs. Huling rushed to collect them. Her excitement had actually caused some of the other students to be anxious about the new book as well. The class nerd was biting his fingernails. The jocks looked like they had just gone through the Sahara without any food or water. Most students were anticipating what their parents would say when they brought home a less-than-passable grade. Jennifer chose not to make herself a part of any of these groups. Instead she sat quietly in her chair, waiting for the teacher to release her secret.

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