TWTUPD Jamilton Fanfic

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Hey guys! Thank you so much for the all the support on this book!

If you like this story, I recommend my new Jamilton story, "The World Turned Upside Down," I actually brainstormed and stuff for this story and I want to know if people like you would read it. It's a FBI AU!

Here's the description from the book:

"George Washington, Alexander Hamilton's boss and father figure, forces him to work with his arch-nemesis, Thomas Jefferson, on a homicide case that can make or break Hamilton's whole career.
The case? A crazed, homophobic serial killer."

If y'all could be so kind as to take a look at it, it has 3 chapters right now. [Edit: It's now finished with a sequel!!] Thank you once again for all your support, and I hope you enjoyed this fanfiction!

Ten Things, One Thing // JamiltonNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ