9 • ᴍɪᴋᴇ's sɪsᴛᴇʀ, ᴛʜᴇ ᴘʀᴏʙʟᴇᴍ sᴛᴀʀᴛᴇʀ

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||listen to switch up by Toni Romiti to set the feels for a certain part. Enjoy||

sᴄᴀʀʟᴇᴛᴛ's ᴘᴏᴠ

I was currently at the house with Vinny, Pauly, and Jenni.
Mike, Deena, and Snook were at work, Ronnie & Sammy went for lunch.

Currently I was sitting on Vinny's lap on the couch as we were just relaxing. It's been only a day since that fight with Angelina happened, but hope it made things clear to Vinny that I am serious about him and don't play around when it comes to girls throwing themselves at him.

"How's your hand" Vinny asked, holding up my hand to inspect it for anything wrong.
"You know you really got a good punch on her"

I laugh at his comment and take my hand from him, placing it on my lap. He kissed my head as we continue to lay there enjoying the cuddling time.

|| Scarlett: what could go wrong now? I took care of Angelina by proving a point Vinny is my man. So let's see who will try me next *shrugs* ||

There was a knock on the door and I gave Vinny a confused look. Who was knocking ? No one said that there was anyone coming by or anything. Pauly walked to the door & opened it, he had a surprised look.

"Melissa?" He asked surprised and was pulling into a hug by some stranger.
"How's it been girl? I haven't seen you for awhile"

"It's been good Pauly! I missed you though" she said giggling as her and Pauly hugged for a bit.
"Where's mike? And Vinny?"

This is what caught my attention.
Sure I may sound jealous and a bit possessive, so I should chill.
Vinny kissed my cheek as my body tenses a little, I turned to look at him and smile.

"There he is with his girl Scarlett. Scarlett meet Melissa, Mike's sister" Pauly said introducing Melissa to me.

I tried getting up to say hi but Vinny pulls me back to his lap, laughing trying to get up from his grip. He wrapped his arms around me tighter and I gave up.

"I'd say hi but he won't let me go" I said laughing and gestured to Vinny.
"But nice to meet you"

"It's nice to meet you to and are you two a thing or actually dating?" She asked.

"We're somewhat together, not official yet" Vinny answered, which shocked me a bit.

"Oh" she said, sounding disappointed.

"Who's here?" Jenni said walking out of the hallway and into the living room.
"Oh shit"

"Hey girl!"Melissa said excitedly, running to hug Jenni's shocked expression.

Jenni simply hugged back and gave me a look, which I didn't understand. She sighed and pulled away to plaster on a fake smile for Melissa.

"How've you been ?" Melissa said smiling as she pulled from the hug to stare at Jenni.

"I been good, what about you?" She asked with a fake smile.
I can tell it was fake considering I seen differences between her real and fake.

"I been great! I decided to come back and surprise Mike" Melissa answered as she sounded happy.

"That's good, I can bring you down the shore store or you already know where it is" Jenni said offering Melissa.

"Oh Jenni! We have a nail appointment."I said lying to save Jenni, she looked at me and I sent a wink for her to play along.

"Oh right! Right!" Jenni said as she knew what I was doing.
"Looks like you're going to go alone. I'm sorry"

"It's okay, I know where it is. It was nice see you guys especially you Vin, and nice to meet you Scar" Melissa said walking to the door and opened it, walking out.

New Girl - Jersey Shore (Completed) BOOK 1 Where stories live. Discover now