Chapter 1: Again

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Wouldn't You Like to Know?

Written by ChocolateMasterX

Percy's POV

Everyone, everything seems to have their own story. Their own life. And they do. At least, most do. That concept of owning your own life and being your own able individual kind of changes when you don't see the value in yourself anymore. When you aren't treated like you have value anymore. Kind of like what happened to Percy. Perseus "Percy" Jackson. That one kid that is obscure, not really noticed. Except by those who apparently have nothing better to do than pick on, beat up, and generally make Percy feel more horrible than he already does. Percy gets to live his life being abused and being treated like he has no worth. So much to the point, he is not seeing how there is any worth in living the "life" he is living. He doesn't think of it as living anymore.

"BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP!!!", his alarm clock screamed. After missing several times Percy finally managed to silence the evil-torture-machine-of-slow-and-painful-ear-damage. Now Percy gets to wake up and begin another day of agony. Again. Again for the thousandth time. Again for the millionth time. Again for the uncoutableth time. Again. And again. And again. Why does he keep on doing this? It doesn't seem like he's going to make to adulthood anyway, for a number of reasons. First, Gabe was probably going to kill him before he graduated high school. Second, the monsters who pick on him will probably kill him as well. Third, he would probably be killing himself very soon unless he found some small reason to keep on going.

He dragged himself out of bed and looked for some clothes for today. In the end, he decided on a cloth, blue hoodie with a greenish tint in the color scheme. He also put on some black skinny jeans and black converse, along with a trident necklace, black, braided, leather bracelet, and an anchor bracelet with a black band connecting it, making the bracelet.

 He also put on some black skinny jeans and black converse, along with a trident necklace, black, braided, leather bracelet, and an anchor bracelet with a black band connecting it, making the bracelet

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He didn't really care how he dressed or looked because it wasn't like anyone paid him any attention anyway. He cared about his style though, because it was easy to care about. Just like him. He didn't ask for a lot. But just at least letting someone know you know that they are alive, is not too much to ask for. Getting dressed in the morning is one of the only, and probably the only thing, Percy even slightly enjoyed anymore. It was just him in a peaceful-as-it-gets environment. If he cared about himself at least a little then does that count as someone caring for him? He wished, but even if he really believed that it wouldn't count for anything. Him liking himself wouldn't mean other people would.

He walked over to his small mirror, which wasn't very far considering his room was a walk-in closet. He looked at his hopelessly messy hair and combed his fingers through it until looked surprisingly, fairly decent. Ah well, enough being a beauty queen. He thought.

He grabbed his book bag and slowly tiptoed out of his room and down the hall. Nothing yet. Now all he had to do was get to the door. It would be nice to have breakfast, but I'd rather actually be conscious while eating and not in incredible amounts of pain.

He dashed as quietly as he could... but HAD to trip on an empty beer bottle. Why couldn't Gabe just recycle and throw away his trash? No, he probably wanted me to trip so he could get another chance to beat me up. Also, so I would trip. Percy groaned as he heard Gabe thundering down the hall. "Hey, Brat!" That was Gabe's creative name for Percy. "Why don't you clean more often! HUH!?" Percy could tell he was drunk. "You think you can just go around tripping on everything like a clumsy idiot? Huh!? Get off your lazy butt and come over here so I can teach you a lesson!" he drawled drunkenly, but loudly nonetheless.

Percy got up and trudged towards Gabe. As soon as he was within range, Percy received a blow to the stomach. Again. And again. And again. Percy was doubled over in pain and from the force of the impact. Gabe started kicking his back. Then he stopped. Percy thought he was finally free, but then Gabe hauled him up by his collar, glared at him, and chucked Percy at the wall with much force.

Percy crumpled to the floor and stayed as still as possible, for fear agitating his broken body and further. After what seemed like forever, but was actually just a few minutes, Gabe left. Percy slowly and in agony, crawled to the bathroom. He did best to clean off all the blood his body expelled during his recent torture session. He then proceeded to bandage himself good enough to last him through the day. Even though he knew he would get even more hurt throughout the day. This is what happened to him on a day to day basis. Over and over again. This is why Percy saw no purpose for why was alive right now, other than to be abused and destroyed, mentally and physically, for the rest of his life. Percy had no future. No hope. There was nothing for him in his life right now.


Hello! I hope somebody read my story, and if you did, I hope you enjoyed it! This is just the morning. The rest of the day will continue in the next chapter. If you guys have any suggestions, I will gladly take them into account. What ships do you guys want in here? The ones that will be in here are Jiper, Frazel, Caleo, Tratie, and maybe Thaluke. Who do you want Thalia and Luke to be shipped with? Anyways, first chapter, first fanfiction, first public work ever posted. What do think? And please, no hurtful comments, just constructive advice, please. :) :3 :D


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