Chapter 3: Awake Part 2

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Percy's POV

Percy held the door for Annabeth as they walked into the workshop classroom. "Hey, can we sit in the front row? I love workshop.", she requested.

"Sure, anything." They had more of those two people per desk desks. They chose a front row seat, which unsurprisingly to Percy was not hard to find. Things could get a little explosively out of hand in the workshop.

"Hey, Percy? How come that impish looking latino guy and we are the only people in the front row?"

Percy smiled slyly, "Oh, you'll see soon enough." They looked up to the front when they heard a rough voice.

"Alright, everybody here? Well if you're not, you should be.", the teacher slightly growled out. "I see we have a new student. Care to come to the front and introduce yourself?"

Annabeth walked up and said, "Hello, I'm Annabeth Chase. I moved here from San Francisco, and I am looking forward to working with you all this year." As Annabeth sat back down, Percy shot a smile and thumbs up at her. She shot one back. Gods, I am never going to get used to that smile.

The teacher then looked at her and said, "I am Mr. Vulcan, but I prefer you just call me Hephaestus. Too many Star Trek nerds make fun of my name. Also, this boy here is my son. Say hi, Leo."

The impish, latino dude from earlier turned with a flourish and a wide smile on his face and said while nodding his head up, " 'Sup, girl." Annabeth gave him an unamused stare, which seemed to have no effect on him.

She turned to Percy and whispered, "How come Hephaestus is crippled?"

Percy sighed and replied, "One time when he was baby his mother wasn't being careful and "accidentally" shoved him off of a balcony. That's what she tells him, but he's pretty sure that he was the accident, and she was just trying to get rid of him. Somehow, he actually survived, but he has had to live with a disfigured face and crippled legs his whole life because of it."

Annabeth's face was sad as she commented, "That's horrible! At least he was able to get married, right?"

"Well, yes, but his first wife didn't actually love him. She cheated on him all the time and didn't even stop when she got caught. Then he met Leo's mom, Esperanza, and left Aphrodite."

Annabeth whispered back to him, "At least he looks pretty happy now. I think. It's a little hard to tell with all the scowling."

"Alright class, we are going to be doing our mechanics unit to start off the year. In the Parts Closet, you will find a motorcycle engine for you and your partner, if you want a partner. Your task is to find the problem with the engine and to fix it. Does everybody understand? No? Well if you don't you should have been listening." Hephaestus instructed coughing at the end, eyeing a group of girls in the back who had been chatting while he was speaking. "Alright, hop to it!" he ordered.

Annabeth peered over at Percy. "Let's go get the engine." she invited. He smiled. They got up and stepped over to the Parts Closet. When they went inside the engines to choose from were displayed out on the countertop. Percy then turned to Annabeth and observed her as her grey orbs took a calculating sweep of the closet. Percy was getting lost in her eyes when she turned her attention back to him. He realized that he had been staring at her for the... he didn't even know how many times. He started blushing again. He watched as her cheeks surprisingly turned a little pink.

What? his mind questioned.

"How about this one?" she asked pointing to an ancient, rusty looking engine. They all looked that way, Percy noticed as he glanced around.

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