Chapter 2: Awake Part 1, Segment 1

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Percy's POV

Percy finished up and crept out the door. He sighed in frustration because he was going to have to ride the bus today since it wasn't early enough to walk anymore. He liked to walk so he was alone and away from the bullies. But, he sadly had to join the other teenagers and neanderthals on the wretched capsule of school transportation that would lead him to the miserable depths of Goode High School.

Once he reached the bus stop he saw the bus was already there. He speed walked, not wanting to run because of his injuries. Once he stepped on the bus and the door closed the driver immediately started driving not giving time him to sit down. He grabbed onto one of the seats to avoid falling. He sat down in an empty seat in the middle. He looked at who was around him, in case there was any mean populars or bullies.

What he didn't expect, was to see a new girl. She was sitting on the other side of the bus two seats ahead of Percy. He could see her clearly because she was facing towards the aisle. When Percy thought this, he wasn't exaggerating. She was literally the most gorgeous girl Percy had ever seen. She wasn't even wearing makeup! She was so beautiful and didn't even seem like she was trying to be. The girl was wearing a white short sleeved shirt that was flowy at the bottom, gray skinny jeans fitting around her long, slender legs, white converse, and a silver owl necklace and earrings. She also had a set of silver bands and bangles engraved with artistic patterns hanging around each of her wrists. She had unreal blonde curls, pink lips that were light, creamy, full, and smooth, perfect teeth, long, luscious eyelashes, and soft skin that was light and tan at the same time in such an unbelievable blend it was inconceivably beautiful. She was amazing, but the thing that stood out to him the most was her eyes. They were an unearthly and so wonderfully, gorgeously gray. They were a moderate gray, but they had so much depth to them. People say the eyes are the windows to the soul, but Percy had never really believed it until now. He felt like he was literally staring into her soul. Did that mean she had a beautiful soul? He would like to know, but Percy didn't think someone like her would even notice Percy, let alone talk to him. Well, looks like Percy found his reason to live longer. Apparently there is something beautiful in this world... that he could actually be around.

Percy would imagine she was going to have the attention of every guy for the next few days. Which is something that the girls who wore tons of makeup and were desperate, would probably actually harm someone else to have.

Percy realized he was blatantly staring at her, mouth hanging open slightly. He quickly shut it and started blushing. He sunk back into his seat and tried hopelessly to advert his attention from the girl for the rest of the bus ride, glad she wasn't looking back at him.

He arrived and waited in a corner where he hoped nobody would notice him. Of course Octavian Augustus, the school golden boy and one of the many jocks that liked to pick on him had to turn the corner with his gang. Octavian smirked when he saw Percy. "Look what we have here!" he said. "Looks like the freak is hiding in the shadows this time. I think he must have finally realized how disgusting he was!" he sneered. Octavian liked to call him a freak because it rhymed with Greek, and Octavian somehow learned that Percy's real dad was from Greece. So now Octavian liked to constantly remind Percy of how weird and apparently awful Percy was with insulting him and reminding him that his dad had abandoned him at the same time. Percy just looked at him with a blank face and waited for the punishment to begin. Although, it's not really punishment considering he didn't do anything to deserve this. It was just abuse."Is he mute now? I wonder how I hard I'll have to punch to get him to squeak." His voice had a very threatening undertone.

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