Chapter 6

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Emma wasn't one to fly into a panic at the slightest problem, but the glass was definitely looking more than half empty and it now seemed to have sprung a leak.

"You've got to be freaking KIDDING ME!" Seb, on the other hand, was more of the 'yell at the universe, kick the dirt in frustration' variety.

"No service either?" Sam asked, putting away his own phone with a sigh.

"None for me." Said Meagan.

Emma simply shook her head and shrugged dejectedly.

"I guess some of us are going to have to go for a walk." Poppy said with resignation, already stretching her legs in preparation.

"But who knows how far you're going to have to go to get service, you might have to hitch hike, I'd better come with you." Sam decided.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. And leave me with these two? The princess and... the silent one," Seb said awkwardly, apparently it was too early in their acquaintance for even Seb to insult Emma too much. "No, no. I'd be liable to kill someone. I'm coming with you."

Poppy sighed.

"Well with the mood you're in at the moment; I'd be liable to kill you if it was just us. And who knows what weirdos might show up here, so one of us three has to stay with them – err, no offence," Poppy said with an apologetic half-smile towards Emma and Meagan. "So I guess I'm staying."

"Are you sur-" Sam began.

"Oh please, I've got a black belt in karate: I'm probably better equipped to protect us than either of you!" And with that undeniable statement, the matter was decided.


Almost an hour later, and the boys still hadn't returned.

"For the love of Beyonce, I'm SO bored!" Meagan moaned, for what felt like the 20th time, from the top of the picnic table she was sunbaking on. "How can you just sit there, reading, for so long?" She asked Emma like it was akin to translating tax records in ancient Greek.

"Well I don't know how you can lie there reading teen style tips for so long either, so I guess we're both a mystery to the other," Emma retorted. "Mind you, I'd prefer even that to whatever's going on over there." She said, referring to Poppy who, however inexplicable it was to Emma, seemed to be going through an exercise regime.

At this, Emma could almost have sworn she saw Meagan crack an amused smile.

"Hey, there's no reason I can't keep fit while I'm away," Poppy puffed out between lunges. "And if I did it while Seb was here, he'd just tease me mercilessly, so now seemed like the perfect time."

As she walked back over and started cooling down, Emma finally gathered up the courage to ask Poppy what she'd been curious to know since seeing her strange relationship up close.

"So how long have you and Seb been dating?"

Poppy was so startled she gave a snort of laughter and almost choked from the upside-down position she was stretching in.

"No no no, no no, definitely no." She said, still chortling. "We are NOT dating. Uh, we're best friends and all, but no, never. We're more like brother and sister, and besides, I'm not his type." She finished, letting out occasional chuckles to herself every now and then.

"Ooh, we haven't talked about this in ages!" Piped in Meagan, suddenly alert with the prospect off gossip ahead of her. "So is there anyone on the horizon for you Pop?"

"Nope, no one at the moment. I'm single as a pringle I'm afraid," she said cheerfully. "But hey, with uni coming up, that gives me plenty of options." She emphasised with a wink and a shimmy of her shoulders. "What about you Emma?"

Once again, Emma had to curse Poppy's inclusiveness.

"Um, nope, no one at the moment." She said with finality, all the while wishing the image rising in her mind's eye would go away. Besides, she didn't even like him, she couldn't.

Luckily, she would always have Meagan there to think the worst of her. Which in this case proved a useful distraction.

"Aww, don't worry Emma, you'll find someone eventually." She said in her most patronising tone. For once this didn't bother Emma; she was willing to put up with a lot more condescension, so long as Meagan didn't find out. 


Hello lovely readers,

I'm dedicating this chapter to @eyesmelikeapisces for commenting and voting on my previous chapters, it's honestly so encouraging. 😊

I hope you all enjoy this new chapter! Xo

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