1: Monochrome

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A writer's first work would often leave a great impression on it's readers but so do the works that follow after. Often people would choose to write news instead of features, no need for personal inputs just facts straight out of an event. No need to unravel the vulnerable interior of the writer. No need to pour out emotions and be criticized by the public. It was easier than letting people discover your inner thoughts and feelings but Jinyoung did not find any thrill in that.

Bae Jinyoung is a member of their school's newspaper club that published on a weekly basis. He was quiet and reserved that's why writing features was his only outlet of how he felt. Pouring out feelings verbally was not his skill nor his cup of tea. It was not something he could do without feeling anxious. And that's why he decided to become part of the school newspaper and write features.

What he wrote was pure and basically filled with raw emotion. He did not want his upperclassmen and editors to make any changes in what he submits to them. Editing out his feelings would take away the quality and warmth that his readers seem to like. And more importantly, it would not convey his message to his muse if his muse ever read his works.

His muse played the most important role of all for all of Jinyoung's works revolved around him. Originally he was a cold person who felt no compassion towards others. A person who did not care much for himself and saw each event in his life as plain black and white. A monochrome lifestyle that did not fascinate him at all, but it was bearable yet agonizing.

What made him change?

The muse. A once monochrome day became tinted with color little by little and that was reflected in what he wrote. A big epiphany for someone who did not want to waste his energy on association and attachment. But it was not big enough to get rid of the anxiety and worry within Jinyoung. He has a lot to write about his muse but he has not said a single word to this person. They have not even made eye contact before but Jinyoung did not mind. He did not mind that he was only able to watch his muse from afar. He did not mind that he was only able to hear the muse's laugh at such a low volume. He did not mind at all that he was almost non-existent to his muse, unless he reads Jinyoung's features. It was enough that he knows someone like his muse exists and is happy. And that there is a small probability that he reads his features and maybe he enjoyed reading them as much as Jinyoung enjoyed writing them.

It was all about him. It was all about Lee Daehwi.

"Hey," Daniel, the newspaper's editor-in-chief, called out to him. It was already after school and it was time for club activities. Sitting inside the club room made Jinyoung fall in a trance, he kept thinking on and on about what he could write. "It's the day before the deadline and I...sort of noticed that you've been working on your feature for a really long time and-"

Jinyoung shrugs, he already knows what Daniel was going to tell him. "I'm almost done with it so no, I don't need you to help me write it or edit it." He sighs before turning away from his editor and looking back at his laptop's screen. "Just...give me a few minutes. I'll send it in, I haven't missed a deadline ever since I started writing for the paper so you don't have to worry."

There was no writer's block and no, he was not having trouble writing. Just like every other feature article he has written, he is just conflicted on whether what he was writing was good enough. Whether he was able to get his message across and whether he was able to convey it with the purest and sincerest emotions.

This week he was given a question to answer for his feature. The student body read his features diligently, so the club decided to get everyone involved by letting them submit questions for Jinyoung to answer. He did not mind it because it opened up an opportunity for him to keep writing how he felt. And for this week the question that was chosen by their newspaper head was: How does it feel to have someone become the center of your universe?

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