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Well...i see u guys want to see some terrorsnuckel well then you have come to the right place!
This book is all about my favorite ship TERRORSNUCKEL OR TERRORNUCKEL i got this idea by a book called lunareclipse high and it was sooo good so go follow @||TheDreamingTeen|| but without further or do let's get into this BIH (BTW IM TRYING SOME NEW TYPE OF WRITING/TYPING IM NOT USED TO IT YET SOO DONT JUDGE ME)

Magic those words made Brock feel left out because of his parents u might be wondering what does his parents have to do with all of this?, well his parents never told ANYONE not even Brock himself about his powers or 'Elements' they said they dont want him to know because his 'Special' but Brock knew better that he propably didn't have one but he thought to the positive side thinking that he was the 'Chosen one' or Aglyptosagramindos or Apam for short but he knew that will never happen or will it?

Brian thought that going to Unirsure school was gonna be great because of his power witch was Electarue witch means he has the power of Electricity but his parents and himself thought something was different but u will have to figure out that in my fucking book bitches!

Haha lel sorry cliffhangers but this is my first ever intro! 😱 and yes,yes i know i have 4 including this one books and 1 of them are done while the other one are not if u count bbs group chat witch i can stop anytime cuz it doesnt have a story or a plot but besides that im sooooo.... wrked up on them but this is hopefully gonna be the schedules

Sunday:Pax prime delirious's face
Saturday:BBS High school AU
Monday:Group chat::BBS
Tuesday:My day off cuz school
Wednessday:another day off
Thursday:Ths book

But yeah i will try to keep in schedule but besides that i hope to see y'all Nerds later

Magic High school (TERRORSNUCKEL)(Discountinued)Where stories live. Discover now