Chapter 2

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Brian's POV
'Ugh why do i have to go to school?' I thought to myself
"Sweetie remember be good,be yourself and be nice" my mom said
"Yes mom" i said
"Okay i love you sweetie" she says
"I love you too mom" i say while waving to them goodbye
Then i went to the train and sat in the back while grabbing my phone and putting on my earbuds
And slowly Drifted to sleep
Oh yeah sorry i forgot to introduce myself *cough ahem my name is Brian but my code name is Terroriser
My power is Electarue witch mean Electricity i love my power but having that power in a family full of The power of Natuercit may be a bit hard but i live trhu it
"Hey may i sit here?"
Someone said then i shot my eyes wide open and saw my Friend David but his code name is Nogla
"Hey Nogla what's up dude!" I said while sitting up and giving him a brohug
"The sky" he says
"Same old...same old"
I say chuckling then pointed the seat next to me
"Hey yo Nogla what do you think the school will be like?"
I asked him he just shrugged
"Hopefully fun"
He says


"Unisure" the speaker said
"Welp this is our stop!" Nogla said ecxited
"Yeah!" I said ecxited
Then we got off the train and saw this huge ass school infront of us
"Holy shit!" Nogla said
Then we saw a girl that had a name tag 'Silent Dark' that was telling people to go to the theater room for the introduction. Then me and Nogla followed the horde's of people and sat in the very front
"Hello im Vanoss"
said by some kid next to us he was wearing a jacket with white stripes,jeans,sunglasses and had spiked hair
"Sup dude im Terroriser" i said while countinuing
"And this little shit head is Nogla" i said pointing at him while Nogla just waved
"Oh cool this is Basicallyidowrk,Basically for short"
he said pointing at a man with hazel eyes,black hair, a basically t-shirt and some normal shoes
"Sup" he said then we talked and we saw some girl walking up to the stage
"Hello my dearest and welcome to Unisure im RosieRise your principal but call me Rosie and if you have any problems contact me or any of the teachers here but besides that i would for you all to make a group of 5-15 people starting now" she says
"Group?" I asked
Vanoss and Basically
"Sure dude" Basically said
'Wow in a matter of seconds i already have friends' i smile at the my thoughts
"Hey shits Group?" Some guy in a shirt that said WILDCAT'S,with a hoodie that has pig ears asked
"Sure fuckboi" Basically said
Then we started getting more and more people there was
"Now that you have you're groups go to the dorm and go to my office for the schedules" Rosie said
Then me and the rest wen to the dorm and saw i was paired up with
'Ohm' i thought to myself then went to dorm 87684
When i turned it open i saw a guy with a hoodie that covers his eyes and bunny earsputting down his stuff
"Hey"  he says
i was kinda shocked that he can see me
"How can you see me with that hoodie?"  I asked him
"The hoodie is see thru"  he says
like he has said this a billion times before
"Oh"  was all i said while putting my stuff down as well
"Soo what's You're power?" He ask's me
"Uh..Electarue witch means Electricity" I said
"What's yours?" I asked him
He says
"Hey yo we should go to the principal's office for the schedule" He said
"Yeah come on let's go" I said
while pulling him by the arm


"Here we are"I said
while looking from bottom to top of the principal's office before knocking,then it opened to Silent Dark the girl before
"Ugh...more students fuck me" she complained
"Hey fuck!,students here again!" She said
"Coming!" Someone said
'How the fuck did she get hire?" I thought to myself
Then the door opened and i saw principal Rosie
"Hello students come in!" She says in a cheerfull voice
Then we walked in and i saw walls full of posters then we sit down at one of the chairs
Time skip
The fucking talking
Cuz you already know!

"Now that's done the class will be started at Monday 28th August!" She says
"Yes,Prin-" i got cutt of
"Rosie just call me Rosie and her-" she said while pointing at the girl looking at her phone
"Silent or Silent Dark witch ever you preffer" She says
"Yes prin-Rosie!" Ohm said
"Now go off you two and have fun!" Silent Surprisingly said
Then we went to open the door and got to our dorms


"Ohmmm im booooooreeeeed!" I whined/complained
"Well what do you want to play?" He asked
"I dont know" i say
"Wanna see around the school?" He says while sitting up
"Sure!" I said cheerly
"Okay let me get ready first!" He says
Then i nodded and i got ready too


After we got ready we walked out of our dorms and went outside good thing it was 7:05 and was not our deadline Yet
"Were do you wanna go first?!" I ask cheerly
"Bathroom gotta use it!" He says while running of to the bathroom
Then i waited for about an hour when it was just like 5 minutes or less
"Took your bitch ass long!" I said
"Shut the fuck up bitch!" He said
"Now come on let's go adventure!" He says
I chuckled at his childish personality
We walked around finding all the classrooms and dorms then suddenly i bumped into someone
"Oops im soo sorry!" The guy i bumped into said
"No it's okay!" I said
"You sure?" He asked
"Yep!" I said while brushing myself off
"My name is SMII7Y btw!" Smii7y said
"B-Terroriser" i said almost giving out my real name
"And this shit head is Ohm!" I said pointing at him
"And this is Lui!" He says pointing at the little guy
"And i like GUMMY BEARS!" He says in a kid voice
"Omfg Lui" Smii7y said
Then we all laughed till the bell rings and the speaker said
"Everybody pls go to your dorms and go to bed i repeat Everybody pls go to your dorms and go to bed"
"Oh man well i see you guys later!" I said waving good bye to them
And went to my dorm and got to bed
'I cant belive im saying this but im glad i got to this school' i think to myself and sleep with a smile plastered on my face!

(Arigato bitches and ty for the support for this shitty book even tho it's like idk been 2 chapters not including this one but besides that i gtg bye bitch!"

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