The new begging

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It was the day to sent Jack to the Overworld and also the day to say good-bye to her brother "Mom,dad why are we sending Jack to the Overworld?"Charlotte said "Sweetie try to understand that that things have to be like this" Kathrine said "It's time" Shadow said "Time for what?" Charlotte said "Sweetie it's time to say good-bye Kathrine said "Mom n-no *starts to tear up* oh ok good-b-bye Jack i will never forget you"
15 years later...
It was 15 years later Jack was already 15 years old he was found in a forest and the one who found Jack was a lady named Stella,she was a great,generous,and kind person and they lived in a village called "Grace Wood" there was their lord  named Robin he had a son and a wife his wife died because she got stabbed by a evil man and his son was named Jessie he was Jack's one of his closest friend he was given title of lord by his father but he declined the title but he said to his father was this "Father I appreciate the offer but i want to fight and protect our beloved village and i wan to be a guard of grace wood" Jessie said "B-but s-son" Robin said "Who will be the new lord know?" Robin said "You can be the lord first and then announce an election for the lord position" Jessie said
Hi! Iam StoriGaming in wattpad and this is my first book it's called My Journey a love story i hoped you enjoy this first chapter and sorry if it's short but you know heh i don't know why but choi~

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