Chapter 9: Mountain Lions

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Loki, Yaya, and Shadow had finally made it across the strip of ocean that was between their home and  the mountains they needed to get to.

"So," Loki gasped.

"Tired." Yaya finished.

The trio landed in a tree far from shore. "Let's rest here until tomorrow. Then we will keep going." Shadow suggested. The tiny twins nodded with approval.

After a few minutes of resting, Shadow felt like he was being watched. He turned his head around all the way, searching for the thing. But his sharp eyes didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. He shrugged it off and ruffled his feathers. Soon, they were all asleep.


As the moon began to rise into the clouds, a chilly wind swept across the land. Shadow shivered and woke up. They needed to get going. He woke up the others, and together, they began to fly up the mountain.

Shadow suddenly heard some rustling in the bushes. He turned his head just in time to see a giant, cream colored creature on all fours, jump into the air and snatch one of his feathers.

"AHHHH!!!!!" Shadow hooted in fear as more of the animals appeared out of the shadows. 

"We have," Loki started.

"To go faster!!!!" Yaya finished. They flapped their tiny wings as fast as they could go.

Shadow did the same, going higher into the air. He made sure he didn't go too fast for the others.

The creatures roared before leaping high into the air again. This time, they got one of Loki's flight feathers! He wouldn't be able to fly very well without them!

Loki began to wobble in the sky. Shadow quickly flew to him and balanced him by the small touch of his wing. It worked! Loki flew a little straighter.

The rabid animals seemed angry. They followed the owls, racing up the mountain as if it was a flat terrain. Suddenly, right as one got close enough to Shadow to take him down, a new owl appeared out of the sky.

It was a grey, long-eared, Screech Owl. She fought like her life depended on it, tearing her talons across the creatures' faces. They tried to lash out at her, but she was too quick. She dodged their attacks and threw some more at them. Finally, the leader of the pack, roared a command and all the beasts ran away back into the shelter of the mountains.

"Thanks!" Shadow said, happy he wasn't going to be eaten alive.

"I'm Idana, but you can call me Ana." She flew up to him, blood still soaking her talons.

"I'm Shadow, and this is-" Shadow was interrupted as Loki and Yaya hooted together:

"Loki, and Yaya!!!" 

Idana laughed. She smiled at them and then asked, "What are you owls doing up here in the mountains?"

"We're on a mission." Shadow explained.

"To save the wolves!!!" Loki and Yaya finished.

Idana's eyes lit up as she said, "Me too! I had this dream, and the prophecy owl of my parliament said I had to since it was my destiny."

As the owls chatted on and on. Idana explained that there were many mountain lions around these parts, so they had to be careful. She also said she knew these mountains by gizzard and that she would guide them to the wolves.

Before Shadow knew it, they had another friend on their journey with them. And they were all going to save the wolves.

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