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The Sun was one of the most blazingly Omnipotent entity on this fathomless Universe; yet it never ever said that the earth which it inundated with optimistic light; was lugubriously depressed and dark,

The Rose was one of the most fragrantly spellbinding entity on this boundless Universe; yet it never ever said that the atmosphere which it perpetuated with timelessly humanitarian scent; was flagrantly rotting and obsolete,

The Mountain was one of the most indomitably strong entity on this limitless Universe; yet it never ever said that the infants which it sequestered all night and day; were grotesquely dilapidated and weak,

The Sea was one of the most vivaciously tangy entity on this unsurpassable Universe; yet it never ever said that the shores which it timelessly smooched with pristine froth; were inanely decrepit and beleaguered,

The Rain was one of the most sensuously virile entity on this enamoring Universe; yet it never ever said that the deserts which it metamorphosed into resplendent paradise; were deliriously emaciated and sick,

The Mud was one of the most propitiously spawning entity on this unlimited Universe; yet it never ever said that the tendril which it evolved out of sheer nothingness; was insipidly fragile and juvenile,

The Moon was one of the most charismatically enlightening entity on this unprecedented Universe; yet it never ever said that the night which it majestically illuminated with iridescently milky light; was invidiously appalling and abject,

The Wind was one of the most exuberantly triumphant entity on this unconquerable Universe; yet it never ever said that the leaf which it ecstatically reinvigorated; was remorsefully crinkled and in inexplicable duress,

The Horizon was one of the most unfathomably infinite entity on this Omniscient Universe; yet it never ever said that the human which it unbelievably enthralled with its tantalizing perception; was treacherously robotic and crawling on parsimonious earth,

The Grass was one of the most royally panoramic entity on this eternal Universe; yet it never ever said that the cattle which it quintessentially fed till times beyond eternity; was vituperatively greedy and parasitic,

The Pearl was one of the most pricelessly celestial entity on this symbiotic Universe; yet it never ever said that the space which it perennially charmed; was threadbarely indolent and idiosyncratic,

The Rainbow was one of the most vividly victorious entity on this blissful Universe; yet it never ever said that the sky which it regally ignited with its unparalleled color; was nonsensically lackadaisical and augmenting towards emptiness,

The Dewdrop was one of the most tantalizingly rhapsodic entity on this gargantuan Universe; yet it never ever said that the feet which it jubilantly tingled; were miserably chapped and dwindling into hopeless fatigue,

The Root was one of the most indispensably formidable entity on this stupendous Universe; yet it never ever said that the tree which it granted solidarity to even in the most vindictive of apocalypses; was fecklessly invisible and lividly limp,

The Destiny Line was one of the most impregnably deciding entity on this
magnetic Universe; yet it never ever said that the palm which it granted royally unfettered authority; was egregiously diseased and slaving towards the soil,

The Star was one of the most gloriously opalescent entity on this astounding
Universe; yet it never ever said that the blackness through which it convivially perpetuated; was cadaverously hopeless and defunct,

The Nostril was one of the most effusively lifeyielding entity on this infallible Universe; yet it never ever said that the lungs which it perennially perfumed with Omnipotent air; were flagrantly clumsy and wisps of nothingness,

The Snow was one of the most beautifully mollifying entity on this spectacular Universe; yet it never ever said that the slopes which it imperially enveloped with festoons of impeccable white; were infinitesimally barren and sadistically desolate,

And you Human Being; An Inconspicuously oblivious piece of nothingness in front of the Omniscient Lord Almighty; had the baseless temerity to torture; discriminate; abhor; abuse; treat your comrades worse than animals just because they were poor and destitute; just because the color of your skin was white; just because that extra parchment of spurious currency note; aimlessly squandered from your pompous trouser pocket; just because you felt you'd meaninglessly coined the axiom: that the Sun never sets on the british empire , when infact the Creator had created this earth as pricelessly and incomparably one

Love Versus Terrorism - Part 2 - Poems on Anti Terror , PeaceWhere stories live. Discover now